Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Salad the Knife Couldn't Cut

I'm sitting here looking at a salad, one my knife can't cut, and i'm thinking: I wish I had a fork.

how's that for a metaphor Sadie?
good luck guessing what it means.

I once read a book that said this: "Great minds think and write clearly; secondary minds get confused; inferior minds tie themselves in knots pretending they understand what they clearly can't even grasp."

the author of this book forgot one exception: Me
for I am neither a great mind, nor secondary or inferior. you see, I have a confusing mind, and while I understand clearly what I think and write, great minds tie themselves in knots, secondary minds get confused, and the idiots, well they still pretend they know what i'm saying when they can't even grasp the concept at hand. 

incase you didn't notice, I just wrote a chiasmus.

good luck deciphering my metaphor, but be warned, your conclusion will determine wether your mind is like unto mine (confusing), Great, secondary, or idiotic.

so what ever you do, please get me a fork, i'm hungry.


  1. Well here's my "metaphor".....
    Dear Diary,
    I think you may remember that thorn I pulled out of my shoe and then threw in the street...
    Well, I forgot to tell you it grew legs and climbed into noswad's salad. Hopefully he didn't eat it or he will have awful stomach pains today.

    Oh! And p.s. that salad has a secret identity, try using a spoon!

  2. I believe, Sadie, that your mind can now be classified as Great, for you just tied yourself in a knot greater than you can comprehend.

    here is my responding metaphor:

    The salad remains uneaten, for I have yet to find a fork,
    and yes, I much prefer the spork.

  3. You have yet to find the one and only eternal fork? And you prefer sporks? Which is specific to your type of fork? And the salad is....????

    Metaphor: im starting at blank piece of paper, with a pen in hand, anxiously waiting for my inspiration...only to realize there is no ink in this pen...

  4. Try looking and what can not be seen, for there is the answer you hope to glean.

  5. That salad is probably old should of taken that spork when you had a chance

  6. Nope, got a new one today, only this time my knife COULD cut it, so there, oh, and I also had a fork to eat it with, the cafeteria doesn't provide sporks...

  7. basically at the bottom of quicksand suffocating....

  8. maybe the Dread Pirate Roberts will save you?

  9. well, maybe you can have Prince Humperdink then?

  10. well, then what is your type? maybe I can find a suitable prince before you completely suffocate...

  11. Hmm maybe that could be your quest...

  12. wow, you guys are awesome. You want to grab me a prince while you're at it? It would be very appreciated. Actually, I don't want a prince, I need a hardworking, humble, spiritual, respectful, joyful, honest, and fun man who loves me for who I am and who I can become.

  13. I believe your looking for a very special Prince, the kind of person who can only be called: "A Prince of the Priesthood". Luckily for you, there are many young priesthood holders with royal lineage, take your pick, but I can't find the right one for you, life is about the journey, not the reward, and who would I be to take that from you?


Provide a name or I shall ridicule you with style