Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


so my dad finally let me have a laptop this week. Origionally he had promised me a new laptop for college, then one under 1000$, and then he finally just gave me his old one. (it's still forthcoming wether he plans to  replace it or not, but his excuse for not spending any money is reasonable--he plans to by me a brand spankin' new one after my mission. A laptop purchased now would be 3 years old by the time I was really ready to be gung-ho about college and i'll have the knewest addition then, which sounds pretty sweet to me. there is a lot of cool stuff on this laptop, for one, it's mine. I named it "The Compositor" because I'm going to use it as a Computer and for Composing, clever huh?, sadly, the actual name is "Matt Dawson's Computer" because my dad named the actual hard drive and I only named my admin's account, he's so creative isn't he? I like my name better. for examples the other computers and networks my dad has named there is: "The Upstairs Computer" "Bob" "The Downstairs Computer" and "Unicorn" very original right? I've found some interesting things that make me prefer a mac to a pc, i've been raised on pc's and only recently have discovered how much more user friendly and customizable the Mac's can be. I can have "spaces" which are basically tidy "extra screens" so I can have one "space" for the internet, one "space" for  Finale, one "space" for itunes, and another "space" for something else, I can choose how many "space" I want and even how their organized. this way I can have lots of windows open and only see the ones that are related to eachother, sweet huh? I think so.

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