Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Monday, December 13, 2010

the adventures of Saw McMillian

Saw McMillian disappeared suddenly... no explanation, no letter of 95+1 grievances, just disappeared... He's back now though, and now he has a story to tell.

According to him, it was the stress of finals week that got to him. the horrible stressful tests just piled up and up until poof! from the internet he disappeared. I think he's lying, the tests shouldn't be that hard. I mean really, i'm been preparing for them since August right? I think he discovered anti-matter and just doesn't want to tell anyone about it. or the government is trying to cover it up. they told me that Saw left because of a bug in the system, but i'm not going to fall for this conspiracy!!! I have my right's and i want them!!! show me the anti-matter or this water bottle won't get recycled!!!!

anyways... so he left, and where did he go? well first he went to sleep because sleeping is fun and when your on your own with no one to boss you around, it's fun to do fun things. and then he went and did some service, because service is fun also, but that tired him out so then he slept again, when he woke up from that, he slept again. do you see this? it seems that he did a lot of sleeping during the weekend that we was away.

okay, surefire dates, Sunday morning after all that sleeping, Saw McMillian was getting a little tired of being on his own, no one to talk to, and he was getting hungry. Eggs sounded really good right now, but he had no where to get them, he ended up starving. luckily Blogger websites are made to live several day without food, otherwise he might have been a goner.

Then after a long arduous journey across multiple server networks and tron-frisbee's Saw McMillian came back home, amazing story I know, but what can you expect? he's a blog and it's hard for blogs to tell stories when they haven't been around to be fed in a few days.

I'm still waiting for my anti-matter, hey blogger team! do you want this water-bottle to be recycled or not?
your choice

(for the dim-witted among us Saw=Smile All-Ways, S.A.W,  get it now? and my blog went off-line for a couple of days because it was incorrectly labeled as spam during the weekend and apparently the Blogger team doesn't work on weekends, who would guess, their normal people)

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