Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Getting Lucky on the Way to Vegas

This Past week has been a very eventful one for me. on monday I left on a trip to Las Vegas for the Boise State vs. U of U Bowl game. Of all the people who may or may not see Vegas in their life, I have to think that i'm one of a few to take the view I did. For I was not there for the gambling, peepshow, or other forms of classy entertainment that my colleagues were looking forwards to. I was there to perform at a football game I didn't care for and to fulfill the commitment I'd made in august when I signed up for the U of U marching band.

On the way there, my tour bus collided with a blue mini-van that had spun out of control due to weather conditions. Sitting reading my book and simultaneously watching the movie that was playing, I remember hearing the bus driver yell "oh no!" seeing the blue van spin into and hit the right side of the bus, and fly past us as we slowed down and pulled to the side of the road. the jolt was only enough to throw me forward in my seat, and luckily, very luckily, as the driver's side of the blue van was just T-boned by a bus full of college students, everyone escaped without a scratch and the blue van's passengers where only slightly hurt with bruises and the like. I had flash-backs to the crash that happened last year as we learned that the bus we had supposed to get on had been switched: meaning a different man would have been driving the bus that got hit, and I remembered the bus driver almost swerving to try to avoid the bus, but then correcting realizing that any attempt at dodging would put us over the edge of the road, onto similar terrain as the crash last year had been, only wet. I am so grateful that everyone was alright, and I feel blessed to have everyone escape so unscathed.

The rest of the week I spent doing two things, reading my book, a new favorite: "The Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson, I'm going to write a post soon promoting this book and sharing my favorite parts of it, this is the kind of book our children should be studying in school 10 years down the line. I know, Sci-Fi, but it has more literary and moral value for this time of corrupt leadership and religious activism than I would say even Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn had during the time of racial prejudice. The second thing I did was with the Band, Performing, but that's not nearly as interesting.

Getting back Thursday night, today is christmas and I'm going to write another post, about today and this post might just get swallowed into obliviousness, which is just fine with me.


  1. Are you aware "getting lucky" is a euphemism for something else?

  2. Yes, it was my clever way of denouncing all the things that the euphemism promotes while describing what actually happened. I saw that slogan all over the place, and I thought it very ironic.

  3. I find your title neither clever nor ironic

  4. You don't have to agree with me, but this post is rather morbid, and I wanted someway to make it more laughable.

  5. Also, I agree with you. I'm tired of all things good being attached to all things scummy, of durty. I reject that euphemism for it is very miss placed and miss leading, were as your use of the words makes purfect sense. I SO glad everyone is OK.


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