Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

wait... I must be out of my mind... nope, that's normal.

I have started and stopped many blog posts in the past few days, but none of the subjects seem to flow as easy as they normally do. I procrastinated writing about gingerbread houses, then I was going to write one of those paragraphs where all the letters in the words are screwed up except the first and last, which makes it still readable, but it seems that's harder to do than you'd think. So now for the lack of anything better to do, i'm writing about how I have nothing to write about. hmmm.... here's a short story that i'm about to make up.

once upon a time there was an elf, this elf liked to paint things. this elf lived in a forest, and in this forest there were a lot of rocks. so the elf would paint things on the rocks, sometimes he'd paint rainbows, sometimes he'd paint rain clouds. but everyday he painted something on a rock. then one day, he looked out at his forest and noticed that there wasn't anymore rocks to paint. He also noticed that where as his forest used to be a drab and lonely place, it was now full of so many colors it hurt his eyes. It was beautiful. So, he decided to take his rock paintings and share them with the world. As he met people, he'd hand them the rock he felt they would like the most. If the person seemed happy, he'd give them a rainbow. if the person seemed troubled, a raincloud. one day, he was walking along, saying hi to all of the friends he'd made by sharing his work. when he noticed something odd, he didn't have any more rocks to give out. what was he supposed to do? well. he still had paint, so he figured he'd go paint some more rocks. He said good bye to his friends, and left on a journey to find more rocks to paint. he journeyed far and wide, but where ever he went, he couldn't find any rocks. it seems that everyone had followed his example and were painting rocks to share with one another. the world seemed completely devoid of any gray at all. And then he saw it. Huge and immense, stood a huge cliff. solid rock, many feet high. It was the perfect challenge for a seasoned painter like the Elf. He painted as much as he could, creating a mural to match the sunrise, but try as he might, there was just to much stone for him to cover. he sat down dejected, although his little patch of the cliff was beautiful, there was still so much cliff that wasn't. He was just about to give up when he heard a noise, it started softly, then grew to a tumultuous clatter. It was all of his friends! they were coming will all of their paint buckets to help in his quest. they set to work with a vigor, painting all day and all night, taking it in shifts. little by little the cliff face was covered. with beautiful rainbows coming from stormy rain clouds, trees basking in the sun, animals frolicking through the forest. but most of all was shown, on that cliff face, the life of an elf, who brought joy to a very, very, bleak world. lightened everyone's day with a smile, and painted the gray rocks, with color.

good story? bad story?
that's the world I live in, deal with it.

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