Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Blue Skies, The Tragedy

This week, as I've already stated, I spent 90% of my time at a Blue Skies Music Camp, I wasn't attending this camp, I was just 'at' the camp. My brother, Tyler, was the one attending. seeing how most of the camp was 16-17 year olds, he really needed someone there who he know so he wouldn't feel so lonely. usually this is my mom, this year the responsibility fell on me.

don't get me wrong, this camp seemed like a total blast for anyone who played a stringed instrument, but I don't, so even though I got to attend most of the classes/groups my brother did, most of it flew right over my head. there were basically five highlights to this camp that I want to point out, first a girl, second an instrument, third a girl, and fourth and instrument, go figure right?

the first girl is the one I already mentioned, if you want to read that post click on this link: all I want to say on this subject more is that after I returned the mandolin she basically ignored me the rest of the week, and that I have decided that I want to learn how to play the guitar.

second instrument is the penny whistle, I brought a penny whistle to show this other guy named Taylor who brought one, the fervor what contagious and by the end of the camp we had 15 people who had boughten pennywhistles and were learning how to play them, we even got the leader of the camp (Aaron Ashton) to set up a pennywhistle class taught by a professional pennywhistle player. it was pretty sweet.

the second girl actually became my friend, sort of, she isn't LDS, but keeps the standards better than half the girls in my singles ward, and she has a boyfriend. but she made the camp funner because we became less of the "guy with his weird brother who cares more about his nintendo then actually participating in the camp" and more of someone who was fun to sit with at lunch, it just made the day a little funner to have someone to talk to other than my brother.

one of the coolest things about this camp was that there was only about 35 kids there in total, with only 5 people on staff, hence we got to know the staff rather well. on the first day I told them that I was only here with my brother, didn't play any plucked instrument, and was a clarinetist. they mentioned that I could bring my clarinet and they even let me participate in the choir!! it was pretty sweet. in the final concert I played in one of the bands and sang with the choir.

other things I need to mention: the band names were really cool, the concert was relaxed, the performers were wearing things like flipflops and even a kilt!!! it was super cool. some of the names were as follows, "semidisfunctional pyrokenetic earthworms", "untitled", and mine was "bowl of success" we sang a song satyring the camp staff, it was sweet because the camp was called "blue skies" and the song was called "blue skies" it was really funny.

yeah....... CADENTIAL ENDING!!! that's about it.....

have fun!!!!

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