Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Ice-cream analogy, for those who have eyes to see...

it is time to answer, secretly, many questions with which I have been faced over the past few weeks. How can I secretly answer questions on a blog open to the whole world so see, (really i've had people living in Israel, Switzerland, Brazil, China, Canada, and Australia looking at my blog, some getting here from places as strange as Opera's website), well through analogy of course! do you have eyes to hear and eyes to see? if so you may gain eternal life, if not, you'll surely be confused and become so scared of my powers of confusion that you'll try to kill my in as grotesque way as the law allows... that seems to be the logic reaction of people who can't understand metaphors. not to compare my ability to Christ's of course... but still?

I have never really had much like for ice-cream, it's good and all, but when its desert i'd rather have a brownie or cake or cookies or a sandwich... pizza... bacon.... ribs.....mmmmmmmm. anyways, it's good, but the biggest thing that bugs me, is how many flavors there are go choose from. how's a guy to choose when he only has so much stomach and an infinite amount of possibilities! to settle all y'all fears, i've yet to find a flavor to settle down with and call my own, but i've had some interesting experiences.

First things first, as opposed to second of third, I've decided that Strawberry is not for me, a recent epidemic I had with the soft-served ice-cream machine at work decided that for me. I was trying to clean the machine  because we were closing and I wanted to go home, but I didn't have anyone to help me, so when the bucket that the ice-cream gunk was falling into was close to full and I needed to switch buckets, I didn't have any help so one thing followed another and in my efforts to switch buckets to continue cleaning the machine I made a huge mess and spilled Ice-cream all over myself, the machine, floor, and the rug that was on the floor. i got all dirty and my co-workers came up and laughed at me for making a huge mess, (no jokes this really happened just last thursday). I grabbed a mop and after a long time of soaking up the pink liquid the mess was finally cleaned up, but I am still thoroughly disgusted with Strawberry ice-cream and will probably not taste it for a very long time.

Second deals with Vanilla and Chocolate, flavors that everyone seems to know, recognize, and love every day of the week. Vanilla and Chocolate have been around sense before I can remember, of all the flavors i've tasted these are my favorites, because i've known them so long and they are familiar to me. Vanilla recently has come forward and seems to be in need of aid, for people keep trying to put new things into it like nuts, caramel, or chocolate chips, and that just doesn't do. so I am helping to defend Vanilla against the onslaught of outside contenders. Chocolate on the other hand seems to be the best when made in Germany, the German's do everything right it seems, just look at Uchtdorf! :) how it doesn't melt is beyond me though.

In College I have encountered some very strange and exotic flavors, as part of my Job I scoop icecream for the people at the cafeteria, i've met with Coffee icecream , Green tea icecream, butter pecan, and even Grasshopper, it shall be interesting to see which I gain a liking for, but most I refuse to try. Some flavors jump out at me as good possibilities, having good potential or an interesting flavor, but then taste bitter in the mouth. As of right now, I still consider myself and uninterested Icecream monsieur, and for those of you who still don't get the jokes, I probably will remain that way until about 6 months after my mission when the Rings at the jewelry store go on Sale. *wink* *wink*


  1. nice steven...who's the girl? haha. jk.
    um, hopefully someday you will like ice cream. It's like ambrosia but better. Did you like the peanut butter kind? guess not since you didn't mention it and you are uninterested in icecream...
    yeah, I'll just pretend I get the analogy and jokes. :)

  2. Shhhh! you'll ruin the secret! only those who understand are supposed to know....

  3. the ice cream metaphor. i like it. i thought i understood it all till the last sentence. now im just going to pretend :) haha guys will always remain a mystery to me.... but hopefully that will chage when i find my perfect flavor, mmmm :) lol

  4. why does everyone insist on ruining my illusion of divinity? I mean come on!!!

  5. OH I GET IT NOW!!!!! haha, sorry steven, I thought I had it before (I was pretty dang close too), but now I definitely get it (all of it this time). Sorry about my slowness. :) Thanks for your comment to Sadie or I don't think I would have ever gotten it. (probably because I would have put it aside...)

  6. and the destruction of secrecy continues, if your going to comment please do it allegorically

  7. thats kind. your confusing me, yet again... nice achievement

  8. What is wrong with all of you! I understood this analogy the VERY first time...guess I just know him too well! :D

    P.S. I even know "her" name! (I know you're all jealous!)

  9. they aren't in our ward.... Savannah, you shouldn't try to hide your identity from people.

  10. Wow, you have plans that far in advance already???

  11. i'm already planning my funeral, (pyrotechnics and a robotic corpse) this is nothing

  12. OH MY HECK!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo blind!
    It took someone walking me through it over google chat to finally get it. Dang am I slow or what?!

  13. So I heard you found a new flavor...


Provide a name or I shall ridicule you with style