Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My life as a social recluse.... as apposed to the brown one...

This week was fall break, for me, it started last friday and continued all the way until next monday. hence 10 days of complete solace, with one exception, I should have gone home to visit my family, but I didn't. The beginning of break was awesome, I went to dinner and a dance with a friend from my Ballroom class on friday, learned how to play an incredibly awkward game called "bop" from some LDS fraternity boys, saw a magician, then stayed up really late talking to Tanner and Jannalee, (Tanner was eating pie.)

The next day I woke up around noon, (a pattern i'd be repeating the rest of the week), practiced for four hours on my clarinet, piano, and composing. then went back to my dorm and ignored life (which isn't very hard when there is no one around to NOT ignore. The campus has been so quiet this past week, it feels like walking through a cemetery at midnight, only its the middle of the day!!! Saturday night there was a piano concert I had to go to for my Concert Attendance class, Jannalee also had to go to it because she is taking piano lessons, so we went together. it was a good concert.

the next day was sunday, at church I had really cool insight come to me, which if you want to read about you should go to the blog where I record my spiritual insights and stuff like that... the link is: and there was another concert this night, but jannalee didn't want to go because she was leaving for home early the next morning. so I asked my friend from ballroom (and yes sean, I am intentionally omitting her name so you can't tease me about her :P ). it was a rather fun concert, and it was featuring faculty so it counts as double!!! I then came home and since the dorm was so quite, me and Jannalee stayed up really late watching The Testimates, and sharing stories about our life's before college.

then my life got boring, remember the pattern? well, I wake up every morning around noon, practice until my mouth falls off, pick my mouth back up, put it in my pocket and go back to my dorm to do practically nothing until work was over. (the cafeteria was practically dead, so I spent a lot of time dusting). I watched a lot of movies the first night, Brother bear, Brother bear 2, and such. ironically, sean and were still awake at 3am that night, so we had a video chat, college rocks no? tysum.

Tuesday was about the same thing, except I didn't work, and Nicke called me and asked if I would accompany her to rent a movie. we didn't end up renting a movie, instead we went shopping for her iphone cover, then got sandwiches and tacos at the food court. I got back at around 11ish, and naturally didn't go to bed until about 1.

Wednesday was probably one of the most boring days, after waking up around noon, practicing until 4, then doing a little bit of homework until bed, I got my annual stuffy nose from drinking milk, and it wasn't very fun.

Thursday doesn't seem to be much of a blast either... I woke up to find that my phone is broken because I had missed the pocket when trying to put it away after talking to my mom, and it fell 5 feet, hit the floor and shattered the phone. I have to work today, do laundry, write a 1-page paper, and re-read the inferno of Dante. should be a great day.

but, I am going home tomorrow so that is something to look forward to. I have learned my lesson, and am not going to do everything in my power to avoid campus during extended breaks. might see my family more that way... also in my eternal optimism, (and half-asleep humor) I can only be grateful that in my practice of Reclusism, i was not turned into a brown recluse and forced to bite people. who knew?

and now to go put food in my belly, gel in my hair, and money in my wallet... assuming I can get my laundry done....


  1. Hitting it off with all the girls are you? haha. Steven is a ladies man! WOO! :) Just teasing Steven. Bop? is that the one that goes "bippity bippity bop" and "viking" and "leprechaun" and "jello"? It's probably not the same one if it was incredibly awkward, but maybe it was. I learned that in theatre improv.
    Anyways, this is exactly how my labor day weekend was. Although Ephraim is pretty much abandoned anyways, it was even more abandoned that weekend. It was very boring and NOTHING was going on on campus. Or around campus. It was very pathetic. You should quit staying up so late and sleeping in so late. Hopefully your friday will be good and the rest of your weekend.

  2. hey! how come I can't comment on your blog? you need to get that fixed.

    bop is like extreme twister, only without a colored mat, using the other players feet as where your foot should go, proceeding around the circle, one person touches the person next to them's foot, doesn't matter which one, except that thats the foot they have to move in order to touch the next persons foot, and so on, it can get awkward, which is why you can't say "awkward" or you lose.

  3. that sounds SOOO fun!!! lets play it sometime! :D jk jk!!! im jealous you had such a long break. :P but im sorry it became so boring for you, at least you "overly" enjoyed yourself during the weekend when you came home :)

  4. Well, I'm seriously behind in the Steven world...but it sounds like this "secret girl"s name you already blew!! Meaning, you said her name, and now the whole world knows it too.


  5. that was intentional, i was trying to see if sean or tysum actually read my blog, apparently they don't... they haven't mentioned it to me at all.


Provide a name or I shall ridicule you with style