Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Monday, May 16, 2011

There's nuthin' Funnier

I realize I haven't posted a post in a long time, I have a very good reason for that. Job Searching. bleh, bleh, and bleh. Over the past few weeks i've applied at countless stores, obtained interviews at three, and been shunned by all. It's very horrible.

Luckily, my Uncle took mercy on me and is finding things to keep me busy, he is trying to fix up his back yard and install a sprinkler system and lawn. So far my job was to till his rock-field, and de-rock-ify his rock field. As everyone who's lived in Utah and done work in their yard knows. removing rocks from the earth is very satisfying work. I even took pictures to document the progress. here, look:

7:00 in the morning,
 I tilled the part I was working with on Saturday

4:00 in the Afternoon, 
notice a difference? neither do I

9 hours of work, 
and all I have to show for it is a pile of rocks

A dog with a sense of humor,
River, the dog, kept jumping in my wheel barrow and stealing my rocks
thanks pooch, love yah!

Okay, so maybe moving rocks isn't really that satisfying, you slave at the earth for what seems like ever, and what do you see once your done? not much difference. But do you know where the satisfaction comes from? I helped my uncle finish his yard and saved him the time it took me to do it. plus, he's helping my fund my mission, so everyone wins. Even river had a good time, she got a 9 hour game of fetch and "rock go seek". I got sunburned and soda. Tomorrow we will be leveling the ground, pulling out more rocks and planning a sprinkler system. should be a fun day, hopefully i'll remember to wear sunscreen this time...


  1. That ;) At least it's in the sunshine!! Actually, I miss doing yardwork, so I'm slightly envious right now :) Keep up the good work!

  2. arghhh!!! you had to say it!!! it's been raining all week 'cause of you :P joking, I got really tan from it, eventually I'll be able to post pictures of a nice green lawn, that will be the satisfying part.

    p.s. i'm sure your mom wouldn't mind if you wanted to do a little in the yard... :P

    I actually found a good idea for a poem, "Sunburned and Soda", here comes my next post!!!


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