Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Technically technology is supposed to work, right?

Story time, k? I moved into college monday, but I also had marching band on monday. the Marching Band allowed from 12:00pm-6:00pm to move in. After finding my mom and brothers, we went to the housing office to get checked in, they told me everything should work so we went to my dorms, we grabbed almost all the stuff I had packed and tried to go inside. but my keycard didn't work (wouldn't open the door) so I call the housing office and ask "what's up", they didn't know and told me to call the Ucard office, they haven't an idea either and ask me to come down so they can look at my card, ("coming down" constitutes about a mile walk 1-way, and a mile walk back up hill the other way) so I walk down, they tell me it should work, and I try to walk up, but I missed the dorms and ended up walking another half-mile to the hospital, taking the bus back to the Ucard place, and starting over again, I finally get to my dorms and I swipe my card, it doesn't work still. So I call the Ucard place, more ticked then i've been in months, and politely ask them to try again. they take the pin number from my card and put me on hold for five minutes, then tell me it should work. It does and I finally get to move on with the rest of my day.----After 2 hours of walking around like a chicken with his head cut off and tied to a flag pole, me and my family were finally able to discard my stuff in my dorms. they left around 5, and I went back to marching band at 6. 

the next day, I got all ready for MB and went outside, then remembered i'd forgotten some money to pay for my uniform fee, unfortunantly, my card wasn't working again, I had to get to marching band so I delayed trying to fix it until lunch time. I called the Ucard office, they put me on hold, and then someone hung up on me!!! so I called agian and it was busy, I called until it wasn't busy and they told me that they had no idea what the problem was, they'd call me back when they had a solution, so I went and got some lunch came back to my dorms and waited, they never called me back. so I decide to call them, they told me that they had been trying to call, but couldn't probably because I was blocking their phone lines, when it never said on my phone that i'd missed a call, and I had waited a more than sufficient time for them to be able to call me without interfering with the phone call they said they had tried to send. finally, they told me they were just going to print me a new card and that I could pick it up after marching band at 5. (5 is also when the U card office closes, along with every other office in the school, meaning if this card didn't work I'd be locked out of my house the entire night with nowhere to stay) after band I went down to pick it up, but didn't have enough time to make sure it worked before the activity the band was having that night, (we watched iron man in the band room, they actually have a good projector screen unlike the dinky tv's in AF's band room) I got a ride with a friend back up to my dorms, and luckily, the card works!!! no telling wether or not it will work tomorrow, the next day, next week, or some other time in the distant frustrating future....

I'm wondering, does anyone else have a "moving" story to trump this one? if so, I'd really like to know, share please!!

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