Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Things One Does for Attention...

My room mate likes to do a lot of funny things, mostly for attention, and mostly for the attention of girls, so with his permission, I am going to endeavor to list all the stupid things he's done/does, in no particular order.

1. he built an igloo in our shower, originally intending it to be a prank for someone else... fail.
2. he walks around in his underwear/speedo/shirtless, (sometimes he wears pants...)
3. shouts "WHO'S THERE!!!' when ever he hears someone walking down the hall, no matter what time of night it is
4. spends a lot of money on air fresheners
5. started a competition to see who could through a cardboard tube down the hall the farthest, without hitting and bursting the sprinkler heads in the ceiling.
6. Throws things out our window... e.i. pumpkins, snow balls, and ice-chunks...
7. he likes country, but when he has a girl over to study, he listens to hard rock.
8. once he went up and down the hall wrote his signature on every flier posted, now there are signs warning that if it happen's again, the floor will be charged for vandalism.
9. Having introduced him to racquet ball, he is constantly bouncing the ball off the wall, when our RM isn't around...
10. when he first got to the dorms, the thing that got most of his attention was that if he spayed fabreze in the heater, it would come out through the fan, he seriously would do this every day for a week, just because it fascinated him so much.

and so, in summation, he's not all that unlike me! :) except, I don't walk around in my underwear...


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