Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Helaman's Camp--Friday


Friday we woke up really early for a morning side in which one of the leaders dressed up like Joseph smith, preached to us as if he were him, and then we sang “praise to the man” and walked back, It was really cool because people were quite and respectful and the spirit, an omni-presence in this camp was there.

Then we had our regular zone meetings, this time after Richard and I were done speaking we heard from my bishop, Bishop Juchae, he spoke for a while and then we moved our meeting a bit to the east and met and talked with the Stake president and the Patriarch. They spoke about learning to recognize the spirit and the process to achieve a patriarchal blessing. It was really cool to have the Stake president and the Patriarch sitting with us in lawn chairs, talking about the gospel. It was the coolest thing the whole camp, every conversation I had at camp concerned 3 main topics, the food, which Latrine is the best, and the gospel, but mostly the gospel, while eating food. Did I mention they had a constant snack bar in which we could delve at any chosen moment?

After another mission meeting and a lunch and choir, all we had left was a service project before our P-Day began. This time, I helped saw some wood for firewood, while Richard and Jared’s district helped with the sprinkler system again.  Once we were done P-Day began, they had activities from Volley Ball to poison stump competitions, it was a blast, except I noticed one missing  thing, Richard hadn’t returned from the service project yet. I looked all over for him trying to find him thinking I just hadn’t run into him yet, after asking various people who just told me to wait and he’d show up, I decided to go and try to find him, smart right? Correct! He was still trying to fix the sprinklers, the problem had turned out bigger than they had first thought and they needed some help. By the time we had given up (notice I said ‘given up’ and not ‘finished’) P-Day was basically over, so after chatting for a bit in the shade we got our shirts and ties back on for the next meeting.

After this meeting we had another zone meeting in which we had prepared a lesson on the restoration to share. Richard drew an abbreviated timeline from Christ’s death to Joseph Smith, and I took it from there. Then after dinner we had a really cool meeting where 4 return missionaries and Helaman’s Camp Alumni’s had come up and had a question/answer about their missions. It was amazing the hear about the different experiences that each had even though they had all served in different parts of the world. I had written down about a dozen questions for them, but they didn’t have time to get to mine. At the end they bore their testimonies in their mission language which was really fun to hear, I only could catch words like “Jesus Christ” and “Joseph Smith”, but even without lingual comprehension I felt I understood what they were saying in part. Then we went to bed after a brief chat with them after the meeting, it was cool to talk to the speakers after they had gotten out of “I’m speaking to an audience mode”.


  1. (that was working on the sprinkler system. Jared's district was helping clean up the dead wood while he was off doing who knows what.)


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