Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

some one else's brain..... or just a mirrored version of mine while sleep-deprived and halucinating... either way the end of the world...

it is strange being in a different country, the people don't speak the same language, the weather is constantly changing, and certain cotton candy people get really messy. on tuesday it snowed really hard, the ground was covered, but even with all the snow it was already plowed by the time I woke up. back home it would have just been declared a snowday! if you haven't guessed already, I am from the remote island of "Newfigutan land", its so remote that even though we live in the northern hemisphere above, we are also below the equator at the same time... hence clouds them selves have a hard time finding their way to our island. which is why snow is so uncommon.

living east of the tip of florida can be hard some times, not many planes or ships will come to our island. having used up all the natural resources on the island, my people have resorted to using magnetic tracter beams to pull cargo lugging freighters into our bays, because that is technically an act of war... per-say the international treatises in place after WWII, we have also developed a super powerful cloaking device so people can not see us from space. desperate times call for desperate measures.

a few years ago, we were running out of supplies and there weren't many planes flying near enough out tiny island because of all the rumors we caused despite our diligence at only abducting what would seem a normal disappearance quota. as we had already devised a plan using our amazing technology which the world doesn't deserve to have. which is where I came in. remember hurricane Katrina? they got the name wrong, it was supposed to be "the star ship enterprise" except the nuclear reactor refused to react and all I could do as the captain was crash land in orlando... I promise that bush had nothing to do with it.

call me Kirk, captain kirk, my mission, to get back home without being discovered. why? because that is dramatic and dramatic missions are always the funnest. hopefully i'll find some maiden of duress, or is that damsel in distress? I can never remember.... anyhow, it should be fun. it always is when kirkster's on the job.

for now, i am stranded in a distant land, far away from my ship and with no hope of rescue, surrounded by these strange people called Marmions, I have little chance for survival, but with my trusty phasor, and a feisty scottish person to beam my up promptly..........

ok, I can't handle it, i'm to sleep deprived, bored, and tired to even stand funny spoofs of co-joined sci-fi shows.... the funny things, this was origionally supposed to be an inspirational insight into the pysche of person from a different country....

yeah tirednesss!!!

now go to bed!!! (ok, fine)

I should stop talking to myself....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Ice-cream analogy, for those who have eyes to see...

it is time to answer, secretly, many questions with which I have been faced over the past few weeks. How can I secretly answer questions on a blog open to the whole world so see, (really i've had people living in Israel, Switzerland, Brazil, China, Canada, and Australia looking at my blog, some getting here from places as strange as Opera's website), well through analogy of course! do you have eyes to hear and eyes to see? if so you may gain eternal life, if not, you'll surely be confused and become so scared of my powers of confusion that you'll try to kill my in as grotesque way as the law allows... that seems to be the logic reaction of people who can't understand metaphors. not to compare my ability to Christ's of course... but still?

I have never really had much like for ice-cream, it's good and all, but when its desert i'd rather have a brownie or cake or cookies or a sandwich... pizza... bacon.... ribs.....mmmmmmmm. anyways, it's good, but the biggest thing that bugs me, is how many flavors there are go choose from. how's a guy to choose when he only has so much stomach and an infinite amount of possibilities! to settle all y'all fears, i've yet to find a flavor to settle down with and call my own, but i've had some interesting experiences.

First things first, as opposed to second of third, I've decided that Strawberry is not for me, a recent epidemic I had with the soft-served ice-cream machine at work decided that for me. I was trying to clean the machine  because we were closing and I wanted to go home, but I didn't have anyone to help me, so when the bucket that the ice-cream gunk was falling into was close to full and I needed to switch buckets, I didn't have any help so one thing followed another and in my efforts to switch buckets to continue cleaning the machine I made a huge mess and spilled Ice-cream all over myself, the machine, floor, and the rug that was on the floor. i got all dirty and my co-workers came up and laughed at me for making a huge mess, (no jokes this really happened just last thursday). I grabbed a mop and after a long time of soaking up the pink liquid the mess was finally cleaned up, but I am still thoroughly disgusted with Strawberry ice-cream and will probably not taste it for a very long time.

Second deals with Vanilla and Chocolate, flavors that everyone seems to know, recognize, and love every day of the week. Vanilla and Chocolate have been around sense before I can remember, of all the flavors i've tasted these are my favorites, because i've known them so long and they are familiar to me. Vanilla recently has come forward and seems to be in need of aid, for people keep trying to put new things into it like nuts, caramel, or chocolate chips, and that just doesn't do. so I am helping to defend Vanilla against the onslaught of outside contenders. Chocolate on the other hand seems to be the best when made in Germany, the German's do everything right it seems, just look at Uchtdorf! :) how it doesn't melt is beyond me though.

In College I have encountered some very strange and exotic flavors, as part of my Job I scoop icecream for the people at the cafeteria, i've met with Coffee icecream , Green tea icecream, butter pecan, and even Grasshopper, it shall be interesting to see which I gain a liking for, but most I refuse to try. Some flavors jump out at me as good possibilities, having good potential or an interesting flavor, but then taste bitter in the mouth. As of right now, I still consider myself and uninterested Icecream monsieur, and for those of you who still don't get the jokes, I probably will remain that way until about 6 months after my mission when the Rings at the jewelry store go on Sale. *wink* *wink*

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My life as a social recluse.... as apposed to the brown one...

This week was fall break, for me, it started last friday and continued all the way until next monday. hence 10 days of complete solace, with one exception, I should have gone home to visit my family, but I didn't. The beginning of break was awesome, I went to dinner and a dance with a friend from my Ballroom class on friday, learned how to play an incredibly awkward game called "bop" from some LDS fraternity boys, saw a magician, then stayed up really late talking to Tanner and Jannalee, (Tanner was eating pie.)

The next day I woke up around noon, (a pattern i'd be repeating the rest of the week), practiced for four hours on my clarinet, piano, and composing. then went back to my dorm and ignored life (which isn't very hard when there is no one around to NOT ignore. The campus has been so quiet this past week, it feels like walking through a cemetery at midnight, only its the middle of the day!!! Saturday night there was a piano concert I had to go to for my Concert Attendance class, Jannalee also had to go to it because she is taking piano lessons, so we went together. it was a good concert.

the next day was sunday, at church I had really cool insight come to me, which if you want to read about you should go to the blog where I record my spiritual insights and stuff like that... the link is: and there was another concert this night, but jannalee didn't want to go because she was leaving for home early the next morning. so I asked my friend from ballroom (and yes sean, I am intentionally omitting her name so you can't tease me about her :P ). it was a rather fun concert, and it was featuring faculty so it counts as double!!! I then came home and since the dorm was so quite, me and Jannalee stayed up really late watching The Testimates, and sharing stories about our life's before college.

then my life got boring, remember the pattern? well, I wake up every morning around noon, practice until my mouth falls off, pick my mouth back up, put it in my pocket and go back to my dorm to do practically nothing until work was over. (the cafeteria was practically dead, so I spent a lot of time dusting). I watched a lot of movies the first night, Brother bear, Brother bear 2, and such. ironically, sean and were still awake at 3am that night, so we had a video chat, college rocks no? tysum.

Tuesday was about the same thing, except I didn't work, and Nicke called me and asked if I would accompany her to rent a movie. we didn't end up renting a movie, instead we went shopping for her iphone cover, then got sandwiches and tacos at the food court. I got back at around 11ish, and naturally didn't go to bed until about 1.

Wednesday was probably one of the most boring days, after waking up around noon, practicing until 4, then doing a little bit of homework until bed, I got my annual stuffy nose from drinking milk, and it wasn't very fun.

Thursday doesn't seem to be much of a blast either... I woke up to find that my phone is broken because I had missed the pocket when trying to put it away after talking to my mom, and it fell 5 feet, hit the floor and shattered the phone. I have to work today, do laundry, write a 1-page paper, and re-read the inferno of Dante. should be a great day.

but, I am going home tomorrow so that is something to look forward to. I have learned my lesson, and am not going to do everything in my power to avoid campus during extended breaks. might see my family more that way... also in my eternal optimism, (and half-asleep humor) I can only be grateful that in my practice of Reclusism, i was not turned into a brown recluse and forced to bite people. who knew?

and now to go put food in my belly, gel in my hair, and money in my wallet... assuming I can get my laundry done....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How to Fix A Car... And other things...

Well... recently General Conference was, and now application is. but how does this apply to flying an airplane? that depends on the weather condition. I fixed a car. that's right, no expensive equipment, no mechanic license, next time you need a lube, come to me! for i fix cars for a weekend.

seriously though, while watching Conference at Sean's house with a bucket'o'friends, I found a match-box car that was undouptably broken. hence, the entire front axle was loose and the wheels were sliding all around, I found a simple way of sliding the axle into place and positioning the wheels so that they would spin freely, using nothing but my finger tips, lets see a trained professional do that!!!

on a more serious note, wasn't conference this past week awesome? I may have been fixing a car during the interluding music breaks, but I listened to all the talks. I have to say that my favorite was Hollands talk at the very beginning when he expressed his gratitude towards his parents and the members of the church, I have to admit I shed a tear when he told that story about his parents.

and a new revelation has hit us, they provide cups of water for the speakers! my question, what if more than one person actually needed that cup of water? that's not very good hygiene for all those seasoned young men to be practicing, I never saw them switch the cup after Uchtdorf set it down, what if the speaker after him had needed a sip?

on a more serious note. it seemed that two of the biggest messages they gave was 1: "listen to the prophet, for his word is the word of God" and 2: "wickedness never was happiness" has anyone noticed that the prophets "final words" during the last conference session were short, abrupt, yet encouraging? he asked us specifically to reread the issue of the talks in the new era when it comes out, and told us how magnificent the conference had been. Now i know personally that after conference I always intend to reread to talks, but loose momentum after about the first one... but after a whole conference focused on how the prophets words are directly the words of Christ I thought. if Christ asked me to do something as simple as reread the talks in order for me to gain a greater understanding of the Gospel, would I do it? often times Christ asks simple things of us as a trial of faith, will we trust him or will we look away in disbelief? I personally am going to do all I can to reread the whole conference, because I don't want to miss anything important.

on the other hand, i'm slightly relieved that he didn't stand up and ask everyone to start gathering in Missouri, I haven't even finished my first semester of College yet!!!