Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My LDS Vodka

There is a conspiracy going on at this college, they call it a dry campus, yet it rains almost every day! This week isn't even half over and already I've found something to write about, that should be a good inclination of how my weeks been.

Today I woke up late for my class, grabbed the wrong clarinet, and headed out the door still in my undershirt, (somehow I fit a shower in there, how my shirt didn't get wet, I don't remember), arriving at my class late, I sat down and noticed that there were so little in attendance that day, I probably didn't even have to come, which would have been nice because I still had the wrong clarinet for my lesson, but i was in the class now and I had to stay or risk offending Superman, (I gave him that nick-name because when his hair is long he has the signature superman cow-lick, its awe-some, but he doesn't know that's what I call him, so keep it a secret!), during the sight-singing portion of class I sang every pitch flat, consistently at the same interval relative to the correct pitch, but flat the whole way through, that's how bad my day has been. I went to Kathy, my Clarinet Professor, and explained to her my predicament, shirt, singing, and all. we decided that since i'd been on a business trip anyways, the lesson probably wouldn't have been very fruitful and I should just show up next week uber-prepared, no pressure there right?

The second part of the roller-coaster of a day I was having was a little better, kind of like the part of the ride after the initial plunge where you get a chance to catch your stomach again. I ate lunch with my Dad at the Noodle Factory, we both got the Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich, (yes those are capital on purpose), call me sacrilegious for eating a sandwich at the Noodle Factory, I don't care, I was having a bad day and it was on the menu.

The third part of my day wasn't much better than the first, In marching band we have to memorize two new songs by the BYU game next week, one we've had for a while and i've got down pretty good, the other is "Your a Grand Old Flag" or "Y Golf" as I like to call it.... (made that up right now btw, comes from this: "Your a Grand Old Flag" you like? or is that too irreverent?) it's not a hard piece to master, but the problem is that I was using my plastic clarinet, the one I called wrong, the mouth piece is so warped from over use that every time I tongued a note, it would let out a shrill shriek, eventually I got out my other mouthpiece from my correct instrument and it worked fine, but as a music major among his peers, that was embarrassing.

Then my day went on the up and up, after practicing until my supposedly healed pits from my wisdom teeth felt like they were going to burst from the pressure in my mouth, I headed to the HC to meet a friend for dinner. We talked over food for quite a while, she got to meet two of my room mates, and then she headed home so she could do homework, now I'm sitting here, drinking a nice can of lemonade, aka "LDS vodka", and I feel good. life is great, life is citrus, and tomorrow is a new day.... plus I still have the equivalent of three 6-packs in my refrigerator... :)

so to summarize an exceedingly long blog post, after a taxing day of educational stress, it is nice to sit back, and enjoy some LDS sanctioned drinking after a good, venting conversation.


  1. So Steven, I read your blog.
    Not just yesterday, all of them from the start of school. I plan on reading the spiritual one, too.
    Of all, ice cream was most interesting to me: exactly how many flavors are you dealing with?
    I rather find it's more like cookies for me. Not flavors you sample, but things you sink your teeth into. Just what you were craving, with the right amount of sweetness. For a moment you feel satisfied. Then it's gone, and you need another. Too many cookies make you feel sick-too sweet-and it's not getting anything done. It's not filling. Kind of like ice cream, it's meant for a few bites then you move on.

    Which makes me wonder if there even is a food or flavor we can solely subsist on.

  2. I agree with anonymous number one.
    Anyways, I have felt the same in many ways at my college. It's good to relieve stress but now I have two tests I have to take this weekend. Study time? I think yes.

  3. ok, so I know who anonymous number one is, but I have no idea who your are. can I get a name?

  4. That sounds like a rough day :( At least you didn't have work though eh? :) Hope your weekend is better!

  5. yes, work rarely serves as an emotional booster... it should be, I'm going to see HP with some friends, and spending sunday with my family.

  6. I believe that Anonymous number two would like to to remain anonymous. That's the whole point of putting yourself as anonymous.

  7. and now I'm completely confused, because I now don't know who anonymous 2, or 3 is, the same person? or different people, i guess there is no way for me to force you to tell me who you are, but as a matter of politeness, I at least, would like to know, if you don't mind. shoot me an email if your really that persnickety about your identity.

  8. They might both like to remain nameless even to you.

  9. fine! I give up! i'm not going to be made into the enemy.

  10. Actually anonymous number one didn't have any of the accounts listed that you have to put yourself as, so the only option was to be "anonymous" even though she is quite fine with telling everyone her name is Nicke

    Or I might just not know how to use these things...

  11. I knew that, it was the other people who's name I didn't know and who refused to tell me their names I had a pickle against...


Provide a name or I shall ridicule you with style