Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Hearts of the Children

I finished version 1.0 of my first Hymn, it's not perfect, it's not done, but it's closer than 99.9% of the worlds population has ever been. Here is what i've done:

This took me almost 10 hours to finish, I spent most of that time on the last 8 measures which will be the chorus once I make extra verses, I don't like the first 8 measures very much because there is too much syncopation, that will change eventually.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Gate Guardian

The Gate Guardian stands ever vigilant, looking for unwary vagabonds to wander through her gate. None shall pass when she is on watch, for she knows of the many ill-begotton joys which can be experienced not two inches behind her. The vivid images of humans traveling faster than a cat's meow, the vast possibilities of the huge world we live in, all of these things compile into one thought, No one gets through. No one shall get through with out going through her first that is. She will guard that door with her life, using her ferocious claws, razor sharp teeth, and fiery breath to ward off any and every person who attempts to get into her territory. Her paralyzing stare can stun even the most devoted of puppy-lovers, and her soft fleecy fur attracts tourists from all around, but be ye warned and be ye not fooled, for she is a vicious man-eater and extremely dangerous. You see, this is because she is the gate guard, and her motto is this: None Shall Pass!!!....... unless you take me with you. :)

All beware the Mighty Wrath of Zuki!!!
The Master of Wind-Tongue Surfing,
The Vanquisher of Lawn Gnomes,
The Protecter of Sniffing,
And Finally!!!
Our cute little puppy who know's what the words:
"Car" "Ride" and "Leaving" mean.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Most Awesome Date Idea Ever!!!!

I just had the Most Awesome Date Idea Ever!!! (plus i'm testing out a not so new feature of blogger that i've yet to utilize), basically it involves going to an awesome live musical with amazing singers, touching plot lines, and funny costumes. Of course we're going to dinner before hand, and probably get desert afterwards, should be very romantic as well.

If the childhood nostalgia isn't too much, girls, comment below if you want to come with, guys, comment below if you want to take one of the girls who comments with. :) thanks much!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Average LIfe of a College Student

This is a photo of my sleeping schedule:

I made a commitment to myself to do one thing, start a habit of getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night. I didn't want this goal to mean that I wake up later if I go to bed later, I wanted to keep a constant wake up call and focus on getting to bed earlier. I did rather well at that until friday morning when my phones alarm didn't go off. Friday night I gave myself some liberties and just didn't use an alarm, on on saturday I forgot to set my alarm. I'm going to continue my goal and hopefully create a habit so strong that I don't need an alarm to begin with. Friday nights may be the exception sometimes, as I do need at least one night to enjoy with my friends. One more step towards being prepared for a mission.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mr. Anonymous

Dear Mr. Anonymous,

I Lovethified you,
thoust has geardied my lame for thou pwn persoilnal gan
You're Cemmenting is much aplicified, and you verbaggage if great profund.
but grease, ifin you canknot saz snotfink mice , geese saz knowfink zat all
I kan stay bat becruze I alleady shotted zat I'z lovethified you,
how doeth it feel to be lovehified?
please comment below,
and remember, I want the world to see your critischism

For those of you who don't know... Mr. Anonymous is a Man/Women (group of men or women, might be more than one) who continually posts comments with rude criticisms to my blog. While often times what he/she says is true or plausible, he usually ends up missing the greater context of what I was trying say, and his criticisms pull away from the goal of this blog which is to find the laughter and joy in life, as stated at the top for everyone to read as they please.

 I don't mind being criticized, but please do so in a way that is a little more fun to read then "wow, how stupid can you get? why did I waste my time reading this post? it's full of crap" because, while you (Mr. Anonymous) don't actual say that, it is connotated. If you don't like my blog that much, for what ever it reason doesn't matter, then just plain don't read my blog! problem solved. I write my blog for my friends, and make it open to the public for perusal, nothing more. If you expect perfection, you shall be disappointed.

 I want people to analyze what I write and post responses about it, that is all good, you may even critique what I "right" [sic] :P, but if your going to do so, please at least use the common curtesy of leaving your name so I know who you are? If you do not care enough about your words to stand by them with your name, what real value do they have? I find it rather insulting, as our very nation was kickstarted by men willing to sign their name on a paper they knew would probably cause their deaths, but you refuse to sign your name on a blog post by a young man who has a larger head then his diction should permit. You can't even say you didn't know I wanted you to, it says at the top of the comment box you typed in that I wanted a name to go with your words.

I have not disabled anonymous commenting, I hope this post infuriates enough Anonymous vultures that I get some good comments below, with valid names so I can see who you are, if you are still too afraid of people knowing the identity of "the phantom of the blog" to post your actual name, go ahead and comment anonymously, but remember that after this post, all such comments will be laughed at, then quietly deleted, regardless of what they may or may not say.

Actually, that is a lie, i'm going to copy and paste them into word and create a trophy page of all the noxious things people post on my blog, comment anonymously at your own risk.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Inventing the Fourth Dimension Before Breakfast

The world appears before my eyes, strange images of indistinct shape. Like looking through a magnifying glass that’s held just a little too far from your face, my world has no hard edges. I see colors, a blur next to a blur. My pillow is blue, and my sheets are red. Looking down my vision gets worse, things that appear far off in the distance are mere feet from my nose.

As I slide from my bed my feet hit the floor, I grope for my small, invisible glasses. They are not where I put them! I always put them in the same spot. I need to find my glasses or when I look in the mirror, I won’t see my face looking back at me, only a splotch on the wall, no eyes, no ears, no mouth or nose are visible unless I have my glasses to look through.

My desk is messy; I pile my life on it. I search frantically looking for my glasses, they are impossible to find by sight for I am virtually blind. Feeling through my books, papers, pens, wires and food, I search for the cold frame work of steel that is my glasses. My fingers dance around my desk, combing with a relentless thirst to quite their work, they pick up the slack dropped from my eye’s fuzzy gaze. I hear a crunch! My fingers have failed, but my toes and ears have succeeded. The only problem is that now my glasses are squished, and insist on sitting crooked on my face.

No matter how I twist and bend them, they will never go back to how they were. I give up and put them on. I’ve dealt with this problem more than once and the lopsided feeling goes away after a day or so. It is kind of fun to see the world with one eye higher than the other.

My clear vision is such a brief respite. I take a once over to make sure the world hasn’t changed, and then I take the lenses off to wash away my residual fatigue. Sleep never fully cures me of the strain of life’s woes. I take my time, to get clean doesn’t require perfect vision, it is one of the few things I can do with my eyes closed. When I get out of the shower, I put my glasses back on then wait as my eyes melt the condensation from the lenses. I’m out of my towel and into my pants. Looking in the mirror, I greet my eyes, my ears, my mouth and nose. I see myself reflected back, and I smile, because I know it’s a lie.

As I walk into the hallway I pass door after door. I like to look at the decorations that people put on these doors. My glasses aren’t perfect, and although they improve my vision I still have to get rather close before I can see any significant detail. I don’t stop because I’m in a hurry, but as these beautiful, creative works of art pass through my skewed windows of vision, my eye follows them past the rim and I see the omnipresent reminder: My world has no hard edges.

What I see through my glasses is not real, the world that I see when I wake up, is. When my glasses are not on my face, people lose the identity that they show in their appearance. A girl’s physical beauty is melted away, a boy’s physical strength disappears, an old women and a young man become exactly the same mesh of colors. It is this haze of my vision that allows me to see people for who they truly are and what they truly mean to me. I can see past the outward appearance and look at the actual beauty of their character.

I think about this as I continue out the door and down the stairs, I like to make noise with my feet and hands by banging the stairwell in syncopated and arrhythmic patterns. The brisk cold air hits my face as I head toward breakfast. Many times when I first meet people I like to look at them from over the rim of my glasses, I look at their face for any signs of emotions that are still visible through the haze, these are the signs that show a persons character because these are the ones that even blindness can not hide. As I sit at breakfast I stare blankly into space, listening to the buzz of conversations. I pick out bits of information and guess as to what the context is. It’s a fun game I play with myself. Sometimes a friend comes up and interrupts my game. I don’t mind. I just change the rules. We start a conversation and I challenge myself to find the funny things hidden in the mundane questions like “are you doing anything fun today?”, “how was your weekend?”, and “what are you eating?”. While looking through the eyes Man created for me, I choose to see the world with the eyes God gave me. There are no hard edges. There are always details to be found, hidden by our current perception of the world. I, however, have been given two different viewpoints, one just behind my corneas and the other just in front of them, and I use these viewpoints to my advantage everyday, because I have invented the fourth dimension, the dimension of perspective, and that is where I wake up in the morning. Take that Stephen Hawking!!! Steven Dawson is sticking it to yah!