Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mr. Anonymous

Dear Mr. Anonymous,

I Lovethified you,
thoust has geardied my lame for thou pwn persoilnal gan
You're Cemmenting is much aplicified, and you verbaggage if great profund.
but grease, ifin you canknot saz snotfink mice , geese saz knowfink zat all
I kan stay bat becruze I alleady shotted zat I'z lovethified you,
how doeth it feel to be lovehified?
please comment below,
and remember, I want the world to see your critischism

For those of you who don't know... Mr. Anonymous is a Man/Women (group of men or women, might be more than one) who continually posts comments with rude criticisms to my blog. While often times what he/she says is true or plausible, he usually ends up missing the greater context of what I was trying say, and his criticisms pull away from the goal of this blog which is to find the laughter and joy in life, as stated at the top for everyone to read as they please.

 I don't mind being criticized, but please do so in a way that is a little more fun to read then "wow, how stupid can you get? why did I waste my time reading this post? it's full of crap" because, while you (Mr. Anonymous) don't actual say that, it is connotated. If you don't like my blog that much, for what ever it reason doesn't matter, then just plain don't read my blog! problem solved. I write my blog for my friends, and make it open to the public for perusal, nothing more. If you expect perfection, you shall be disappointed.

 I want people to analyze what I write and post responses about it, that is all good, you may even critique what I "right" [sic] :P, but if your going to do so, please at least use the common curtesy of leaving your name so I know who you are? If you do not care enough about your words to stand by them with your name, what real value do they have? I find it rather insulting, as our very nation was kickstarted by men willing to sign their name on a paper they knew would probably cause their deaths, but you refuse to sign your name on a blog post by a young man who has a larger head then his diction should permit. You can't even say you didn't know I wanted you to, it says at the top of the comment box you typed in that I wanted a name to go with your words.

I have not disabled anonymous commenting, I hope this post infuriates enough Anonymous vultures that I get some good comments below, with valid names so I can see who you are, if you are still too afraid of people knowing the identity of "the phantom of the blog" to post your actual name, go ahead and comment anonymously, but remember that after this post, all such comments will be laughed at, then quietly deleted, regardless of what they may or may not say.

Actually, that is a lie, i'm going to copy and paste them into word and create a trophy page of all the noxious things people post on my blog, comment anonymously at your own risk.


  1. perhaps the anonymous person would prefer to not let others know who he/she is but would be fine with you knowing...

  2. I am okay with that. For security reasons, I don't like giving out my email address for public access, so If the anonymous person would like to inform me as to their name and doesn't already know my email address, post a comment, i promise to read it, but to not publish it, copy it, or reproduce it in any public manner. I am able to compromise.

    if the anonymous person feels so inclined, doesn't already know me, and would like to keep in touch, have him include his email address (remember I promised not to publish his comment). I would like to get to know this person better and find out in greater depths the strong feelings he has about my writings, it could be a fun discussion.

  3. You assume this person is male...

  4. no.... it is just cumbersome to use he/she every time I wanted to refer to him/her. I guess that is just one more hazard involved with being anonymous, if your not going to give me a name, I get to choose your gender, hope you have the corresponding cloths in your closet! :)


Provide a name or I shall ridicule you with style