Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

and the graceful butterfly lands on his face...

what can i say? 2 tests due this week, piano performances both, and essay due next monday, 5 pages for what its worth, practice every day, my talented skill to bring forth....

nothing comes to mind so easily, as a break in the middle of a fall, where one might get the chance to roll a three holed ball...

family games are no trivial matter, when feasting on the words served on the general conference platter.

my brother doth with his slight fingers take, what the lock on my door it's steely teeth do break.

compose, compose, compose away, the sound does sow saintly songs away.....

cha cha, cha cha, cha cha cha cha, cha, waltz is coming, cha cha is ending, my teacher is streping, I am stepping, but not on girls toes

and BANG goes the dynamite, the kick off is done, my glorified foot ball team gone done won!


enchanted this morning has been though I really must end, I hope to see you again soon alive, and well my friend!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

1 Month Down

it's been about a month since college began, doesn't seem that long to me. When I really think about it though, I realize that 4 weeks of school have already happened and moved on. People say that when you die your life will flash before your eyes, I must have been dying for a long time then because it seems life has been going by in a flash these past few months.

I've been getting better at my clarinet really fast. I think i'm finally out of recovery mode from when I tried to learn to play oboe, and I actually feel like i'm improving. I'm still learning how to play the guitar, it just that I find it hard to pick it up and practice, I'll get around to it-eventually...

I know I shouldn't have, but this week I bought a book at the book store. Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson, it cost only 8 dollars, but was such good entertainment that it was worth 30, I think I got a good deal. although, his latest book "The Way of Kings" IS about 30 dollars, and somehow I think the same math applies and it's quality is worth about 150, to bad I don't have enough money for either price. I know what I'm asking for for christmas though.

I recently got a job working at the cafeteria on campus, it's usually not that exciting of a job although they told me that most thursday's I get to work the cotton candy machine. Which is Awesome! I get so covered in the stuff its crazy, my co-workers call me 'Ghostbuster' or 'Spiderman' because it looks like I got his with the slime from ghostbuster or one of spiderman's webs. I had students taking pictures of me with their phones!!! it was awesome. besides that, cleaning tables isn't very fun. but I get paid so it's all good.

My ward is great, they have good lessons, speakers, and an awesome ward choir full of virtuoso vocalist majors. (ok, I lied about the last one, there is rarely even enough in attendance to even have a choir). but the rest is awesome. we don't have actual pews so we have chairs. but there are comfortable chairs and plastic ones, to motivate people to come early. and i'd say that our chapel is even more comfortable that way, more leg room.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Ok, so I went to the bookstore today, you know, the one on campus that everyone usually just walks around but never actually goes into? That one. Origionally I had intended to buy some staff-paper for music dictation, and maybe brows through the sci-fi section and see if there is any new books.

Forgive me for being captain obvious, but I never found the Staff paper. I walked in there, smelled the pages of countless unread books calling to me, and immediately preceded to spend the next 40 minutes drooling over books I don't have enough money to buy. Brandon Sanderson, my favorite author, has just started a new series of books, which look equally appealing to my eye as a suitcase of money would to a miser's. I saw the book sitting on the shelf, all 5 pounds of it's 300,000+ pages, rubbed it for a bit, put it down, and then bought the 8 dollar still equally as awesome book Warbreaker, also by Brandon Sanderson. Mommy? can I have my Christmas Present 3 months early? I know what I want and I want it reaaaalllly bad....

I can never go in that book store again, otherwise I might just cause too much property damage from all the saliva I create wishing for the books I find, and then I'd be broke.

Oh, and I found out where the racquet ball courts on campus are, guess where I'm headed saturday?

Steven Dawson.

Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm really busy! give me a break!!!

well, I'm a College Student, enough said right? most day's I have class from 7:30am to 4:00pm with little break in between, then I have work twice a week from 4:00-9:30, 3 hours of practicing a day i'm (supposed) to do, I usually get about an hour and a half, plus written homework, essay's to type, and don't even get me started about the 10+ hours i'm required to donate to a marching band game every week, and My english teacher wonders why I fall asleep in his lectures about "The Mediaeval World View!!!". 

We have learned 10 steps of the cha cha in my ballroom dance class, and today I found a permanent dance partner for the rest of the semester, which i'm glad about because some of the girls in that class aren't to fun to dance with (i.e. no backs to their shirts, or just plain can't dance!) It's a really fun class and the teacher is extremely funny.

My Keyboarding teacher is japanese, and I don't think she understands how to teach the piano very well. she tries to talk faster than she knows how to, confuses her words, and then gets frustrated when we don't understand when if she would just write what she wanted on the board we'd understand so much faster.

My Music Theory class is really fun, my professor is such a techno-junky that he gave us GPS coordinates to help us find the computer lab in the library where we meet on Friday's. he has us hand all of our assignments in digitally through a server, and he hates paper. He told us that when he was in college instead of carrying a huge textbook around he'd just take a photo of each page and save the photos as his own personal virtual textbook. some of those books have thousands of pages!!! he's a nut.

For my Musicianship professor I have Super-Man!! no seriously, before he got a haircut he had that superman curl going, I don't know if it was intentional but It was really cool. but now he has shorter hair and he just looks normal, crazy turn of events happened with him though, technically I wasn't supposed to be in his class, but in a class on the other end of the hall, but when I went to go meet the other teacher I decided that I liked superman better, so I transferred teachers.

Living in the honor's dorms is awesome, all the people here are really cool, just last tuesday I played chess with a guy from India, and he beat me!! twice!!! those were really fun games too. I'm going to play him until I win, i've got to sharpen up on my skills.

I recently got a job at the cafeteria on campus, I make sandwiches (which is like a child-hood fantasy coming true), clean the floors, and clean the tables, (which is like a child-hood nightmare coming true) all this combines into and average good dose of reality and I am motivated to not fail at college so I don't have to do jobs like such for my whole life.

I'm doing pretty well with my contra, my parents bought me a plastic reed just last week which works really well, and I'm really enjoying myself.

Life is rather busy right now, but I know that I'll always be able to overcome it, I have the scriptures, prayer, church, institute, lots of things to remind me that I can receive help. I do my best to always have a smile on my face and say hi to everyone I see. I look forward to the future with an eye of hope.