Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Power of One

As everyone should know by now, I am growing a goatee. I am doing so as a way to show my independence, but mainly, I'm doing it so I can rub it in the face of my friends at BYU. literally, Sean, you are going to get a chin rub next time I see you! I'd also like to point out a little anomaly I noticed.

you see, I had normally been just going to keep my facial hair, all of it, not shave any of it, but our team kept loosing, so I decided to do something about this. I shaved, now I have a wicked awesome goatee and what do you know? The U of U football team starts wining again. All thanks to my awesome hairline. now don't you think for a second that I haven't thought about what could have happened if I had only shaved earlier... cause I have... and honestly, I don't understand football enough to care. I thought I would record this momentous event though, as it seems to have been the sole cause of our teams success at the last game, there is no way it could have had anything to do with a Hail Mary pass or awesome defense... nope, it was defiantly my decision to shave and look presentable.

in this loo of a moment, I was thinking I would find some videos that share a little bit more positive and realistic of a message than mine, one is a video I found while searching for the other, your guess as to which one I was searching for. :)

hopefully these video's combined will inspire BYU fans and U of U fans to get along and sing kum-bi-yah after the game? I doubt it, but maybe that will happen when I shave off the rest of my facial hair? that seems a little more realistic than my other story....

The Power of One -
The Power of One -

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My LDS Vodka

There is a conspiracy going on at this college, they call it a dry campus, yet it rains almost every day! This week isn't even half over and already I've found something to write about, that should be a good inclination of how my weeks been.

Today I woke up late for my class, grabbed the wrong clarinet, and headed out the door still in my undershirt, (somehow I fit a shower in there, how my shirt didn't get wet, I don't remember), arriving at my class late, I sat down and noticed that there were so little in attendance that day, I probably didn't even have to come, which would have been nice because I still had the wrong clarinet for my lesson, but i was in the class now and I had to stay or risk offending Superman, (I gave him that nick-name because when his hair is long he has the signature superman cow-lick, its awe-some, but he doesn't know that's what I call him, so keep it a secret!), during the sight-singing portion of class I sang every pitch flat, consistently at the same interval relative to the correct pitch, but flat the whole way through, that's how bad my day has been. I went to Kathy, my Clarinet Professor, and explained to her my predicament, shirt, singing, and all. we decided that since i'd been on a business trip anyways, the lesson probably wouldn't have been very fruitful and I should just show up next week uber-prepared, no pressure there right?

The second part of the roller-coaster of a day I was having was a little better, kind of like the part of the ride after the initial plunge where you get a chance to catch your stomach again. I ate lunch with my Dad at the Noodle Factory, we both got the Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich, (yes those are capital on purpose), call me sacrilegious for eating a sandwich at the Noodle Factory, I don't care, I was having a bad day and it was on the menu.

The third part of my day wasn't much better than the first, In marching band we have to memorize two new songs by the BYU game next week, one we've had for a while and i've got down pretty good, the other is "Your a Grand Old Flag" or "Y Golf" as I like to call it.... (made that up right now btw, comes from this: "Your a Grand Old Flag" you like? or is that too irreverent?) it's not a hard piece to master, but the problem is that I was using my plastic clarinet, the one I called wrong, the mouth piece is so warped from over use that every time I tongued a note, it would let out a shrill shriek, eventually I got out my other mouthpiece from my correct instrument and it worked fine, but as a music major among his peers, that was embarrassing.

Then my day went on the up and up, after practicing until my supposedly healed pits from my wisdom teeth felt like they were going to burst from the pressure in my mouth, I headed to the HC to meet a friend for dinner. We talked over food for quite a while, she got to meet two of my room mates, and then she headed home so she could do homework, now I'm sitting here, drinking a nice can of lemonade, aka "LDS vodka", and I feel good. life is great, life is citrus, and tomorrow is a new day.... plus I still have the equivalent of three 6-packs in my refrigerator... :)

so to summarize an exceedingly long blog post, after a taxing day of educational stress, it is nice to sit back, and enjoy some LDS sanctioned drinking after a good, venting conversation.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

This post is going to be depressing, do not read.

well, as of yet, mathematicians are still convinced that they have an unending amount of Pi, the cheesecake factory is suing them for copyright infringement, The stupid people of the world think that there is no WAY that Obama is Keynesian, he was born in Hawaii. Love is in the air, and snow-flakes are square, my hair is long but do I dare? with the next week being the release of Harry Potter 7 part 1 cover your children's eye's, expeliarmus can kill the dark lord. Don't forget to thank the Lord, for your blessings of this year, the economy hasn't completely collapsed, hasn't Obama been such a dear? College foot ball has been such a surprise, BYU might pull a sheet over Red's eyes. We lost, 2 in a row, quite a failure to bring the band in tow. Essay's are due, but that isn't new, my ten little fingers form a very elite crew.

and now you see, I charge a high fee, to slip into rhyme, on the stop of a dime, it's tiredness, that with uncanny finesse, you see, hath done this to me.

now wasn't that a waste of your time? you should have trusted me when I told you not to read this.

Friday, November 5, 2010

This. Post. Is. Meant. to. Annoy. Inform. and Prevaricate!!

So as many of the worlds populous know's, guys like girls, girls like guys, but I just like cars and money! which isn't true, neither do I think it is the correct quotation of that song.....

to answer the many question's i've been getting. yes, I am participating in "no-shave november" in which I will not be shaving my legs, armpits, chest, or face until after the BYU vs. U of U football game, against popular consent, I have decided to get a soul patch, pending my discovering what that actually is, and in favor of singular consent, I have come up with a second analogy, concerning ice-cream, one which I will not be taking questions about, and I expect no one to understand, ever, which means I will have a good fun time ignoring everyone's prodding's... :) and sweat dreams. (literally, sweat them, just not out your armpits, that's disgusting and improbable in most galaxies....)

here it is, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear,  good luck!!!!

