Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Stop! thou rhymeth too much!!!

How many times has the word "Night"
been combined with a sublime light
to create an eternal fight
of what is right
with darkest blight?

How many times has the word "Knee"
been combined with a huge fee
that makes you want to pee
on all the things that you see
just to put them out of their misery?

How many times has the word "love"
been pair with the white dove
to give love a shove
for goodness sake girl!!! just hand him your glove!!!
or I shall kindle a fire for you to think of!!!

How many times must someone shout "Poet!!!"
"Poet!!!" "Poet!!!" your a "Poet" and you didn't even know it!!!
Yes, I am a poet, but know, I actually know it,
and although I'm trying not to show it,
I protest, please Stop! thou rhymeth to much!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Performance with The Hippie Band

I don't actually  know their real name, or even any of their individual names to be honest... but on thursday I got a call whilst in a practice room doing what I do best. This call was from a guy named Steven, friend of a friend of a room-mate, who needed a lower-instrument to perform with a group of people at a "gig" as they're called. I naively agreed, said i'd look at the music, we'd meet on saturday to rehearse, and perform sunday night. I was a little apprehensive about performing on Sunday, but I figured, it's music, and not bad music at that. So it couldn't hurt. At that point in time, I didn't know they were hippies...

As it turns out, the "music" they wanted me to look at were not notes on a page, but the actual mp3 files recorded by the artist. I was basically lost, but I had told them I would perform for them, so I was willing to give it a shot. Steven gave me a ride down to orem where the "band" was rehearsing in a storage unit, there where at least 3 other bands rehearsing in the same unit, who know storage was such a good place to play music. They helped me with the chord progressions, we ate pizza, it was actually rather fun.

On Sunday we met at the venue, (a lot of these words are new vocabulary for me), and had a rehearsal with the artist, a guy named Alexander, he was a rather funny guy, skinny, tall and a bit hunch-backed, he had a full beard and mustache, straw gardening hat, white sweater with a white suit jacket over the top of it, baby blue slim pants, and pink shoes. We rehearsed with him for a while, he was really impressed by my Contralto, and then we waited for the concert to start... 2 hours later.

First they had a sing-a-long, they sang songs like: "This little light of mine", "Take a stand" "Where'd all the flowers go?", and "Lean on Me", then we performed. It was actually really fun to perform on stage like that for a crowd that responded by screaming, dancing, and overall just having a good time. After I was done playing the songs I had a part in, I went home because I wanted to get to bed early. I"m starting a goal to track my daily sleeping habits and become more consistent.

Now, classifying them as hippies may seem a bit harsh, but literally, when a guy speaks like this: "hey, man, this is going to be awesome, man, i'm so stoked for this, man, wow, man, thanks for coming, man, that instrument thing you play is awesome, man!" No exaggeration necessary, ties a sprig of sage to their rear-view mirror in order to always be "close to mother earth", and holds an entire concert to support the "cause", and is intending to ride a bus a, powered by vegetable oil, pulling a mobile-home trailer with a garden implanted into the roof all over the country playing music for income, what else do you call it? I'm not saying that hippies are bad, I actually think it was rather fun to be around them for a couple of days, but hey, they used the title first, so don't harass me about it.

The "cause" I spoke of is that of a man who when into a black market auction held by the federal government before Bush and Cheney went out of office, they were selling Utah land to be used by the oil companies, the problem is that the land was near Nationally protected Wild Life Parks, and instead of going through the proper channels to put the land up for sell, Bush pushed it through last minute. The Man's goal was to disrupt the auction so it couldn't complete, he ended up bidding about 1.8 million dollars of money he didn't have. He was arrested for fraud, and the auction was postponed until Obama was in office, apparently Obama fixed the illegal legislation and the land was saved! But the Man is still being tried for fraud, his trial is tomorrow and Alexander is in town to raise awareness about his situation. It's all very interesting to learn about, I was previously unaware that this kind of a thing could happen.

The night was rather fun, I enjoyed playing the music, which actually had a good message to it, and Alexander is a rather good musician and performer. I may even be on the news sometime soon, and they are making a documentary about Alexander which may get published around May, I might be in some of the footage...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What's this? another analogy? I must be crazy!?!?

The light turns on, I see three stools, on one sits a bouquet of flowers, on one sits a letter in an envelope, and on the last one sits a glass slipper, the light turns off.
.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .
The light turns on, I see three stools, on one sits a wilted bouquet of flowers, on one sits an empty envelope, and the last one is empty, the light turns off.
.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .
The light turns on, I see three stools, on one sits a bouquet of flowers, on one sits a post card, and on the last one sits a piece of paper, I go up to the paper and read what it says, the light turn off.
.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .
The light turns on, I see three stools, on one sits a wilted bouquet of flowers, on one sits a pass-port, and on the last one sits a poster, I read the poster: "The Choice is Yours", The lights turn off.

Random Scripture Generator

My Dad, being the genius that he is, created a program that takes random words from the Book of Mormon, and puts them into the shape of Scripture. Take a look, it's rather funny. but don't get fooled, none of what you see below the hash line should be regarded as truth unless found in the actual scriptures. 
Ammoron, 5:1-7

1. And it came to pass the Spirit of the Lord God and I saw that his people should gather their flocks together; and he spake as touching all things concerning the fall of man which came before Jesus Christ, even the Father and the Son. In me shall all mankind have life, and live eternally. Even they who have looked up to me for their substance that he may destroy the liberty of their fathers that has caused their hatred, yea, and it is a record of this people.

2. And after this manner did they ordain priests and teachers, accusing us of leading away the hearts of the Lamanites. They brought up their armies before the place of water; and thus we see the great wickedness of those who were in the wilderness, and I attributed the carrying away of their stumbling blocks to them.

3. And I, even I, in my old age, did go up to the height of a man, like unto flesh and blood; and never did man believed in me as thou hast. Seest thou that ye are a murderer, yea, and also in the ninety and ninth year;

4. And now it came to pass that when the enemies of the Lamanites should come out to battle against us and kill us, and also our provisions. We were not at any time known by the appellation of those king-men; and thus I do appoint Coriantumr to be your leader, or the leader of those who slew them to molder upon the land, and your enemies shall have no power on any man for his belief.

5. And now behold, I say unto thee: Go, and remember the captivity of our fathers; for so was it with our fathers; for they were desirous to throw me into the depths of the sea; and whither they went no man knoweth, save they know that their record is true for they all were very young even so they said unto me: I do not say that you are innocent.

6. And as the Nephites had come in upon my people, upon small numbers, and to slay them with a sore cursing, they shall scourge you even unto destruction. 

7. For every one that has opened his mouth and began to decrease as to their faith it was done unto them; and their fathers died. And it came to pass that I delivered his men, contrary to the commands of God that I might draw all men unto me, while the world shall be burned with fire because of their iniquity. Amen.

(Perhaps it was this kind of talking that prevented Ammoron from conquering the Nephites? you can definitely see his pride shining forth, and his inability to stay in the same tense and case shows he wasn't very learned....) How annoying would it be if your leader talked like this? no wonder everyone was asleep when Tiancum went to kill him.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

In the Moment of Goodbye

In the Moment of Goodbye
a light might twinkle in her eye.
This light gives you a view,
of what she sees in you.

So as you depart, for the night,
remember to look, for that light.
A window, with words on a page.
A lock, with doves in its cage.

Read those words, and understand:
the poem writ', by loves trembling hand.
open that lock, and set the birds free!
let love shine forth, for the world to see!

Remember, what you hold is a treasure,
a gift, with price beyond measure
contained in this, the Moment of Goodbye,
when you caught that, a twinkling in her eye.

By Steven Dawson.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Into the Wild Blue Yonder

Last night I had a concert. The reason this concert was different than my other concerts is because this one had a Contra Alto Clarinet solo in it. Who wants to guess what instrument I play? Give you one try...

at any rate, I had my parents film the song, but it won't load, so I included a few pictures my parents took, just pretend you can hear my amazing solo, okay?

This is my Friends congratulating me on a solo well played

My other Friends who came to watch the Concert!

Isn't my Bow-Tie awesome? Thanks Mom and Dad... for taking Photos!

The Wind Ensemble

Me Falling on my Face, and sitting on a Fire Hydrant

So this friday I went on a date. Yes, with an actual girl, and yes again, one who I think is very beautiful on the inside and the out. For This date we made a music video of a song which I will not disclose now, you'll have to wait until the finished product is available to view. I won't budge on this, so don't try to tempt me. The reason I can not show it currently now is because the computer we were editing on went bonkers and refused to work. We think it's because it saw how funny the movie is and went into mother-of-a-cardiac-board arrest. To tide your curiosity over for the next few days until I can load the finished video. I have several clips of me making a fool of myself while the camera is rolling. so enjoy!!!

Me Falling on my Face

After I fell on my face... 3 minutes later.

I still don't know why they had me sit on that hydrant...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

When Best Friends Forget...

There is no excuse, I guess you'll just have to call me one of the worst friends in the world. Wanna know why? well that would be because I forgot one of my bestest friends in the world, on one of the most important annually occurring day of his life, and that day was his birthday.

Ironically, that same day (Feb 3rd) was the same day I lost my belt, read about it here if you wish. I would like to make a play of the symbolism presented by that post in my apology to my dearest of dear friends. so here it goes:

"Dear Sean,

You are like the belt that can not be found. Because I feel that I can never leave home without you, and would gladly sacrifice 10 minutes of my life to search for you if you ever go missing. Yet I know, that no matter how absent minded I get, I will realize eventually where you are, and that place will be right were you are supposed to be, no matter what. I love you (platonically), and I know that no one will replace the special place i've made for you around my waist line, (regardless of how big that may or may not get), not my wife, not the kids, not the cat, (yes, i'm a cat person, new revelation this week, been building for at least a decade though), and above all else, nothing I could ever buy at Walmart, because those belts are just cheap!!!

Yours sincerely
Steven Dawson

P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (3 days post diem)"

Saturday, February 5, 2011

American Heroes

Today is Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday, in honor of that YouTube is showcasing videos from his life and his speeches as president of the United States. A Man a head of his Times, what he said back in 1981 applies to us today. It is sad that this video has so few views in comparison to most of the garbage that can be found on YouTube. I would encourage everyone who views this video to pass it to their friends and relatives. This country is ours, and there is still hope.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lost, Unable to to be found, or missing?

Today I literarily spent 10 minutes looking for my belt. I found out 5 hours later that I had previously put it on before I had started looking for it.

I had attributed the belt as lost, yet this was not the case, for if something is lost, that typically means it can not be found, yet I did find it, after 5 hours. My belt was missing. So, right here, right now, 13 minutes before I have to climb 2 flights of stairs for another class...


                I am missing a belt.
give in....I am................a belt; It is no where to be found. I looked under the chair. That's It, I do
not win...I a belt. I have searched on the ground. I have looked every where. I can
I have.....I a belt; I have looked on my bed. My class starts soon, I have to go. Lost
Belt........I am................a belt. I even looked on my head. Where my belt is, I really don't know.
               I am missing a belt;

can you help me find my belt?
I know dora the explorer can....
