Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm so Hungry I Could Eat a Famine

This week I had the blessed opportunity to receive my mission call, unlike most eager missionaries, I put off my urge to open my call so that my family and friends could come and be there while i open it. Plus is was a good excuse for a party and in motivated my parents to finish their counter top early... :) I opened it at 8:34 p.m. on saturday night. I don't regret waiting that long because I was able to have over twenty of my closest friends and family there and several attending on the phone.

There was tons of good food, my Dad was gracious enough to smoke pork-shoulder and crock-pot some roast-beef, hence there was tons of food to eat. I waited until all my friends arrived then opened my call, afterwards we talked and socialized for a while and once all my family had left we decided to watch a movie. I watched Despicable Me for the first time, I was personified by either Gru or the Henchmen both of with i'm okay with. :) now my ringtone on my phone is a direct quote from the movie from when the henchmen are laughing while photo scanning their rear ends. :) It's funny, trust me. :)

On sunday I went to the Stake Priesthood meeting with my Dad, they talked a lot about good parenting and how to be a good Father, I listened as long as I could, but eventually the late night got to me and I fell asleep... The same thing happened at Stake Conference, I tried really really hard to stay awake, even doodled and wrote poetry, but after a few speakers my hungry stomach and my tired brain shut off and I was closed to any insight at all for the rest of the meeting... It would have been different if the choir had sung hymns between the speakers instead of all at the beginning, but oh well, it was still fun to be with my family.

After church I ate more food left over from the previous night. made a delicious sandwich and then washed it down with a glass of milk. Then I took a nap. I slept very well and woke up in time for a meeting with my Bishop to follow up receiving my mission call. When I got home an hour later my brothers were playing basket ball in the driveway. I immediately joined them, in my sunday cloths. I'm told i looked kind of silly with my knickers rolled up to my knees, in bare feet, and a suit coat, but I could care less, it was fun. I went in to change after a few baskets and got to talk to my Grandma/Grandpa in Brazil, they were nice enough to offer a check to cover some of the expenses of going on a mission. Thanks you Pots and Pans, your the Best!

Finally, the best part of the day, Dinner. For dinner we had left overs, and it was delicious. mash-potatoes, brocoli, and pork-shoulder and roast-beef. of course washed down with some milk. I went to bed feeling very relaxed, but not before watching a extremely funny, and very cheesy, old batman movie. It was hilarious, and its on netflix, so I highly recommend it, it's awesome. In other news, today is my Brothers and one of my friends birthdays, Bryce is turning 17 and Nicke is turning 20, Happy Birthday you two!!!

In closing I'd like to mention that I'll be serving in the South Dakota, Rapid City Mission. Thanks for reading my blog! :) I'm leaving on August 17th


  1. Congrats on the call!!!
    Are you done with this blog now that you are back on facebook?

  2. nope, I'm dong this blog with no differences, and i'm trying to use facebook to direct people to this blog.

  3. Yeah! Having a blog is fun :) I have one, but it's really kind of more special for me I guess... lol. How on earth did you get the rating system on your blog? I like it :)

    Congrats on the mission call, I'm thinking I'll be going on a mission too, but we'll see what the year brings.


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