Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Monday, April 4, 2011

April Fools on U!!!

This April Fools was awesome. To begin, not a single person played a joke on me. After waking up at 9 o'clock because I had stayed up way to late the night before trying in vain to raise the quality of my hymn higher than I know how. I went to my music theory class so out of it that a simple "boo!" would have scared me out of my skin, no one said anything.

My music teacher took the entire lesson to teach us the mathematics of the harmonic series, then he played us a song very much out of character called "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor", a scream-o song that used the tri-tone predominately. lets just say that he closed the door to protect his reputation.

The second thing happened in rehearsal when a student (who shall remain nameless because I don't know his name and even if I did wouldn't share it because that's inhuman to his feel-goods) was kicked out of our rehearsal because he was talking when he should have been playing. He was told to meet our conductor after rehearsal and five minutes before four our conductor said he felt sorry for him because "he is soon to have the worst day of his life". I was surprised to see him alive in rehearsal today, more surprised that he was alive and less that he was at rehearsal. Our conductor isn't that heartless. (Incase he ever reads this, I hope he realizes my blog is 30% satire and 70% tired ramblings)

The last great thing about April Fools was the weather, it was a perfect day, nice, sunny, good breeze. Only day that week that wasn't miserable and crappy. Being at the U where there isn't a strict dress code, EVERYONE TOOK THEIR CLOTHES OFF!!! it was like fall all over again. Men were sitting on the ground all over the place like star-struck pigeons, chest bare, tanning. I assume the women were more discrete about where they sat tanning because although I didn't see many sun-bathing, I saw several girls with horrid sun-burns. Okay, so not Everyone took off their cloths, but their cloths certainly lost a lot of fabric around the neck-line and knee caps. With the recent chill yesterday and today it was nice to see everyone covered up again.

In other random news, and for the full sake of being confusing to all but two (or three) people: Sadie Wins.


  1. I'm guessing she figured out the stool analogy.

  2. Why would someone take their cloths off? Or better question, why would you have them on in the first place? I wear clothes.
    I have to add, the word verification for this was "unoode"

  3. you could say that, yes. :)

    They didn't take ALL their cloths off, just the 'un-assential" bits, men with no shirts and so on.

  4. it is spelled clothes. with an "e" before the "s" That was what I meant by my last comment.


Provide a name or I shall ridicule you with style