Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Stranded in a Sea of Technology

Tuesday, Journal Log Day 1#

I woke up to find myself stranded.
everywhere I look there is a sea of technology.
i'm in a boat, but there aren't any paddles.
why would someone have a boat with no paddles?
maybe the paddles fell out of their pocket on the bus ride home...
but If that happened, and i'm the only one in the boat,
why aren't I home?

Wednesday, Journal Log Day 2#

After a frenzied night full of nightmares and weird buzzing noises,
I wake up to find myself looking at a weird red plant/sprout thing with a leaf on top,
immediately thinking that if its red I should approach it and give it a tug
I find out that it's not really a plant but a small little plant-ish man with elvish features,
I shall call him pikman, because i picked him, and he is a man! bwahahah.. 
oh sorry, wrong journal...

Real Wednesday, Journal Log Day 2#

after a really strange nightmare about large mushroom monsters, plant men, and
malfunctioning spaceships named after an aquatic animal, I realize that I'm still stranded
in my paddle-less boat. I'm running out of breathable air, (oh wait, wrong story again, sorry), 
I can't last much longer, I get these phantom vibrations in my pockets as if a paddle might 
some how magically appear... it's cold out here in the wide open sea and my fingers 
are starting to grow numb from under-use... I hope a solution arises soon 
because I don't know how much longer I can last...

Thursday, Journal Log Day 3#

I'm beginning to lose hope, I must be done for. 
it's been what? 27 days and not one sign of a piggybank anywhere... (shoot, why do I keep doing that??)
the paddles have yet to surface also, I shall continue looking and
although I had already filed my lost and found claims on wednesday,
it doesn't seem like anyone is responding. 
Just as i'm about to close my eyes for the last time, a ray of hope springs
forth, it's a piece of driftwood, floating by....
I'm to tired and hungry from lack of food to do much more than call to it
and hope it will somehow find it's way into my boat, 
I lapse into unconsciousness...

Friday, Journal Log Day 4#

It's a miracle!!! Halleluja!!! somehow the piece of driftwood found its way into my boat
and not only that, it's not driftwood at all, it's a fully new, fully functioning, 40 horse-power
motter, with propeller attached :). I quickly fix it to my boat and speed back home,
ironically once I got there I ate some carrots, then found my piggy bank :) 

end of journal log

If you haven't figured it out by now, on tuesday I lost my phone, on wednesday I enjoyed a full day of finding similarities between the pikmen video game and losing a phone, and on thursday I had anticipated just getting an old, run down, slightly broken phone covered in a tulip textile, to say the least, not a very desirable phone. Instead my Dad offered to buy me a new one. My Dad got me this awesome brand new phone with a full qwerty keyboard, better organization, and a sleek new look. Thanks Dad, your AwEsOmE. AEOE stands for "An Example of Expertness", and thats what you are. :)

Unfortunately there are a few down sides, first, I no longer have anyones number, this means ANYone's number, so I ask this, if you have my number, and still want me to have yours, send me a text with your name in it, (yes sean, this means you too :) love yah!). Second, the phone will belong to Nathan eventually because when i go on a mission he gets to keep it as his, and third, it's quite likely to get stolen.

I figure that so far this school year i've had a phone break, and i've had a phone get lost. It follows that the next logical step would for it to get stolen, and of all the phones i've had this year, this one is the most likely of the three to be worthy of theft, so mark my words, if my phone gets stolen, don't tell me I didn't tell you so.

oh, and be nice to pikmen, they're cute and cuddly, but you don't want purple ones to sit on you.


  1. What in the world is a pikmen, and what is it used for?

  2. Like I said :) their little red men with leaves on their head and slightly elvish features, they come in 5 different colors:

    Red are resistant to fire and have the strongest attack
    Yellow and white are lite-weight, yellow can carry bombs, white are poisonous
    blue can travel through water,
    and purple are huge and buff, you can't throw them very far but each time you do it creates a earthquake, they can carry the same weight as five normal pikmen,

    Like I said, it's a video game, the story of the video game is about a captain who crash-lands his ship (the "S.S. Dolphin") into a strange planet with a toxic atmosphere, his life support system will only last 30 days and he has to use the aid of the pikmen to collect all the missing parts from his broken ship so he can take off and go home. Ironically there are also 30 pieces of his ship that he needs to find ad ironically piece number 30 is a piggy bank. remember Captain Olimar from smashbros.? thats his story.


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