Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Life is a Funny Thing" The Exodus.

Our trip was a 10 day road trip that looped counter-clockwise around the mid-western land locked states of our country. We made stops in Missouri, Illinois, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Utah, drove over 1,200 miles, and created memories that will be with us the rest of our lives.

With over 50 hours of driving we had to be creative finding fun things to do in the car. My brothers worked on creating a Ipod application that (I predict) will hit the shelves by the end of the year, if not the end of the summer. I read books, and Tyler played his video game. Including the audio books that we played through out the trip, I read 6 books in ten days, and only got car-sick once. We stopped and did temple work in two temples, the Navoo Temple, and the Vernal Temple, both are very beautiful.

I took pictures along the whole way, the best ones I'll put on this blog, the most of my photos will be contained in my next few posts, in chronological order (unlike this one), My mom made me promise not to inclose all 400 photos I took, so if you want to see all of them, stop by my house, they're on my computer.

These are my Favorites About The Car Trip,
I took all of these, either about the car, or from the car window.

 I saw this reflected in our car as we were packing to leave South Dakota,
I had to take a picture, It was awesome.

South Dakota Sunset, I'm liking it here already.

Notice, no Mountains, 
Still beautiful though.

Hey look! Mountains, 
but why are their peaks lower than my feet?
Sunset, Still beautiful.

First Glimpse of Independence Rock, 
Prairie as far as the eye can see,
oh wait, is that a rock?
no wonder they wrote their names on it.

These people were touring the country in that car, 
we met at Devils Gate, Martins Cove,
I Thought the contrast was rare and beautiful.

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