Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Rejected Prince Charming

oh the Nostalgia!!! Savannah sent this in email to me a while ago, with her permission i'm posting it on here. This is from the days when I still had a Facebook and was still delusional about the time I did waste on it, but it definitely was fun while it lasted, I may just reboot may Facebook someday soon, who knows.... enjoy the laugh everyone, the production is set to hit the stage sometime next month...

Logan Miehl Packer:D as savannah searches the horizon, all hope seems lost. But wait, is that help on its way?"
June 6 at 3:07pm

Savannah Widmer"Can it be? My prince charming coming to rescue me? cannot be!"
June 8 at 11:23am ·

Steven DawsonI'm here! No more need to worry! For I am here! Now what did you want? For I came here in a hurry and would like to know what you want! Are you being chased by a dragon? Cause I like slaying dragons, what do you want, oh do I ever want to know what you want
June 8 at 11:26am

Savannah Widmer"Oh please dear prince! This firing dragon is about to burn me to a crisp! Come and whisk me off my feet, down the tower and onto your stallion!"
June 8 at 12:28pm ·

Steven DawsonAlready done milady, while you were gabbing, I was jabbing, now there is a very dead dragon in my wagon, come sit on my stead, and I will lead you back to my palace and with a big chalice, we will drink away all misery and woe, (apple juice of cource)
June 8 at 12:31pm

Savannah Widmer"Oh fine prince! How will I reward you for such a fine deed? You are truly the man of my dreams!"
June 8 at 12:35pm ·

Steven DawsonNot a reward is required, for nothing more is desired then a kiss to be given from me to you, for your very presence is a present to me, and nothing more could be disired indeed
June 8 at 12:41pm

Savannah Widmer"If only it twas that easy, my prince, for a desire such as that cannot be given but to the man who holds my heart and, as of yet, you are not he."
June 8 at 12:43pm ·

Steven DawsonThen what could be done, for no more need be said, have I errored in word or in deed? have I done nothing wrong? been chilvalric and bold? What can be done? To obtain such a high honor of glory in your eye's?
For I woulds't win your heart, if ever I could, how would I?
June 8 at 12:47pm

Savannah Widmer"That, I know not, we shall have to wait and see what occurs...*sigh. For now, Adieu"

Brie LeBaroni liked reading your story...or was it real life? :D
June 8 at 6:44pm

Sadie Johnsonhaha! that was awesome! :D i liked reading that too...HOOZA HOOZA ONKOR ONKOR! standing novastion! (is that spelled right?)
June 8 at 10:21pm

Steven DawsonIt's obation, but close, and thanks
June 8 at 10:27pm

Sadie Johnsonhaha! thats horrible, i need to be in school.
June 8 at 10:29pm

Sadie Johnsonthx for breaking it to me gently that i have no spelling skills what so ever...
June 8 at 10:29pm

Steven DawsonNot to break up the sop story but I still have one more line left....
June 8 at 10:33pm

Sadie Johnsonoh ok. sry to intrude.
June 8 at 10:34pm

Steven DawsonWait do not go! For the day is still but young! There is still much life to live! And where ever you roam, I will be but not far behind, as your final eternal resting home!
June 8 at 10:35pm

Steven DawsonDone now, you can continue
June 8 at 10:36pm

Sadie Johnsonhaha well what else is there to say?
June 8 at 10:37pm

Steven DawsonHow about "The End" what shall we name our play?
June 8 at 10:38pm

Sadie JohnsonHmm good question? How bout?
The Tale of the Noble & Broken or Dusk to Gust
now thats got meaning behind it.... Haha
June 8 at 11:54pm

Steven DawsonHow about "The Heart Broken Knight"? I like that
June 9 at 8:07am

Steven DawsonOr "The Regected Prince Charming" ?that sounds even better
June 9 at 8:22am

Steven DawsonSavannah what's your input?
June 9 at 8:23am

Sadie JohnsonHaha those r good. :) ya, savannah, input, u guys wrote the play, u decide...
June 9 at 9:06am

Savannah WidmerUh, how about "The Wrong Prince Charming" or "Rescuing the Damsel: is it enough?" , although I do like "The Rejected Prince Charming", it seems to fit rather nicely! :D
June 12 at 7:08pm ·

Sadie Johnsoni like the rescueing the damsel is it enough. Its really fitting
June 12 at 9:59pm

Steven DawsonBty that last comment was me useing sadie's phone, it was a new experiance for me, I stole her phone
June 12 at 10:25pm

Sadie JohnsonHaha stole? U wish. Well actually...u did?
June 12 at 11:48pm

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1 comment:

  1. This is ancient and almost embarrassing! But quite funny!
    And im glad Savannah kept this to look back on!


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