Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Metaphorical Train-Wreck, or "The Metaphor Telephone Game"

If you want to understand the subject/context of this post, you'll need to have read my previous post and the comments attached to it up until comment 13# you can find that post here: The Salad the Knife Couldn't Cut, or by using the links on the right -->

To explain my first metaphor: "I'm sitting here looking at a salad, one my knife can't cut, and i'm thinking: I wish I had a fork", The salad is exactly what it is, a salad, the knife represents a fork, and the fork represents a knife. make sense now Sadie? You of all people should be able to figure this out with just that much information, just try you can do it.

For everyone else, My salads are a bit unusual, while on tope they have all the usual healthy ingredients of a typical salad i.e. lettuce, peppers, cheese, croutons, dressing, cheese, tomatoes, et cetera. Underneath my salads however are various assorted meats, steak, chicken, pork, and bread usually in the form of Pita or Pizza crust. Hence, the knife that was really a fork, couldn't cut the salad because forks can't cut meat very well, and I wish I had a fork that is really a knife so I could cut my salad and eat my delicious concoction. 

There is a deeper context to the this metaphor, as all good metaphors have, which I will now explain. The salad represents anything good in our life that we want to acquire and make ourselves better with, a healthy endeavor. As all endeavors of this sort usually have, there are hidden problems we didn't expect, the meat of the problem, which if we find a way to consume will only make the salad all that much better, yet currently seems impossible because there is no way to break it down into manageable pieces with the tools we have. When we sat down to eat the salad, we thought we had the right tool for the job, yet soon find out that we are ill equipped. But all hope is not lost, for if we can only find the right tool, we can get back to eating and bettering ourselves in a most enjoyable manner. 

I told you I wrote a chiasmus, I lied, I really wrote two! :)

Now that you know what my first Metaphor meant, Sadie, why don't you be a gal and explain your responding metaphor in the comments below? 

Thanks very much.


  1. Well, im glad you consider my metaphors a train wreck....

  2. The Train wreck was in reference to my Metaphor, the first one, not the proceeding ones after it, they were just all of the carts that the train had been pulling,

  3. Haha so nice of you to take the blame. :)
    So if I were to explain my metaphors as meaning a whole lot of nothing, would that be satisfying?

  4. Lol good cuz im too lazy to explain my whole self :) lol

  5. now that wasn't the agreement, if your metaphors really mean a whole lot of nothing, fine, but if they have meaning, you should explain them.

  6. I should know better than to keep searching for a loop hole in this, wouldn't you say?
    Well can i suggest this: ill give you the meaning and you match it to the metaphor. That sounds like something you can handle :)

  7. okay, but I what about the metaphors I wrote? don't you want me to explain those as well?

  8. well then pick, do want more metaphors or explanations? you can't have both.

  9. I already gave one, so it's your turn.

  10. -.-
    "Sometimes in life we think we are fully prepared for what is coming. We work hard study hard, but sometimes its not enough and we realize we're not prepared or we don't know what we thought." Like your metaphor I thought I knew but I realized I was no where near close...

  11. yeah, so explain what you thought and what your metaphor meant through that thought process. You weren't supposed to understand my metaphor, that was the point. You were supposed to think about what I said and derive your own meaning from it, that's the beauty of a great metaphor, it forces you to think and everyone can derive their own unique meaning from the words, so that's what I want to know, what did my metaphor mean to you?

  12. Haha well I thought it was another one of your "girly" metaphors....remember when I asked you all those questions "you haven't found your one and only eternal fork? But you prefer sporks? Which is specific to your fork?" Do you get which direction im going in? :) emphasis on "eternal" fork. We had been talking about dating the day you created that metaphor so that was what came to mind first. I know, im so smart. :P then after you explain with your other metaphors I knew I was waaay off lol

  13. I don't remember the previous conversation about dating, all I remember is me telling you what salad I was eating, staring and my fork and knife required to eat it, and knowing what my metaphor was going to be.

    so what were you implying by suggesting I needed a spoon?

    also, here is the interpretation of my next comparison of unlike objects:

    I don't currently have the right tool to eat my salad how I want to, so I am still waiting, but if you think I need a spoon to get the job done, i'd rather use one that is more versatile, it's not easy to eat salad with a spoon.

    there wasn't any intended parallelism to my other "girly" metaphors as you called them, but I see how you could think that.

  14. Which one? I mentioned the spoon more than once...

  15. were they different? both then I guess

  16. You mentioned potatoes were underneath. Thought a spoon would help....

  17. who eats potatoes with a spoon? they weren't mashed...

  18. LoL yeah, you could of mentioned that. -.-

  19. where is the fun in that though?

  20. You seem to find the most fun out of confusing or misleading me...

  21. I like word games, I confuse and mislead a lot of people, but i also always explain myself eventually, that's the fun of it all, explaining what I said and watching people make the connections.

  22. LoL so you forced me into"making connections" so you could enjoy my stupidity? Nice Steven.

  23. No, I confused you so you would have to look for your own answers to my words. My goal wasn't to make you look stupid, and I don't think you did, the goal was to get you to stretch your brain and try and understand something beyond your normal perception. albeit, it was only beyond your normal perception because I hadn't explained it in full, not because you were incapable of understanding. People only get confused when they don't see the full picture, that's not a sign of stupidity, just a lack of information, I was trying to get you to use your imagination to fill in the missing parts. I wanted to know what your answers were so I could see what such an effort had produced. It tells a lot about someone--what they think when they don't know what to think.

  24. see now why I insisted you keep commenting? that last comment is the focus of the whole discussion we've been having since last Friday, everyone who reads these two posts will probably be just as confused as you were, they'll search for their own answers, and if they dig a little deeper into the blog, they might just find mine.

  25. LoL okay, thanks for not thinking so. I don't think I was very imaginative though?
    Really? So what did you find out?

  26. That you are entirely too focused on finding out what girl(s) I have feelings for, that you really enjoyed my last analogy about girls, (which was confusing initially too may I remind you), and that you don't think of yourself as smart as your really are and have the potential to become. All of which I basically already knew, it's just nice to find them out again.

  27. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh wow...

  28. Oh and I see your point...I understand why you did...

  29. to be perfectly honest, I didn't even know what I meant before I said it, I had to do the same thing you did, the only difference is that I knew why I had said what I did.

  30. What was it you said you didn't know what you meant when you said it?

  31. The first metaphor, the one that started all of this, all I knew is that it was a confusing sentence. I didn't know what it meant to me until I had to come up with my own meaning for it.


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