Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Rejected Prince Charming

oh the Nostalgia!!! Savannah sent this in email to me a while ago, with her permission i'm posting it on here. This is from the days when I still had a Facebook and was still delusional about the time I did waste on it, but it definitely was fun while it lasted, I may just reboot may Facebook someday soon, who knows.... enjoy the laugh everyone, the production is set to hit the stage sometime next month...

Logan Miehl Packer:D as savannah searches the horizon, all hope seems lost. But wait, is that help on its way?"
June 6 at 3:07pm

Savannah Widmer"Can it be? My prince charming coming to rescue me? cannot be!"
June 8 at 11:23am ·

Steven DawsonI'm here! No more need to worry! For I am here! Now what did you want? For I came here in a hurry and would like to know what you want! Are you being chased by a dragon? Cause I like slaying dragons, what do you want, oh do I ever want to know what you want
June 8 at 11:26am

Savannah Widmer"Oh please dear prince! This firing dragon is about to burn me to a crisp! Come and whisk me off my feet, down the tower and onto your stallion!"
June 8 at 12:28pm ·

Steven DawsonAlready done milady, while you were gabbing, I was jabbing, now there is a very dead dragon in my wagon, come sit on my stead, and I will lead you back to my palace and with a big chalice, we will drink away all misery and woe, (apple juice of cource)
June 8 at 12:31pm

Savannah Widmer"Oh fine prince! How will I reward you for such a fine deed? You are truly the man of my dreams!"
June 8 at 12:35pm ·

Steven DawsonNot a reward is required, for nothing more is desired then a kiss to be given from me to you, for your very presence is a present to me, and nothing more could be disired indeed
June 8 at 12:41pm

Savannah Widmer"If only it twas that easy, my prince, for a desire such as that cannot be given but to the man who holds my heart and, as of yet, you are not he."
June 8 at 12:43pm ·

Steven DawsonThen what could be done, for no more need be said, have I errored in word or in deed? have I done nothing wrong? been chilvalric and bold? What can be done? To obtain such a high honor of glory in your eye's?
For I woulds't win your heart, if ever I could, how would I?
June 8 at 12:47pm

Savannah Widmer"That, I know not, we shall have to wait and see what occurs...*sigh. For now, Adieu"

Brie LeBaroni liked reading your story...or was it real life? :D
June 8 at 6:44pm

Sadie Johnsonhaha! that was awesome! :D i liked reading that too...HOOZA HOOZA ONKOR ONKOR! standing novastion! (is that spelled right?)
June 8 at 10:21pm

Steven DawsonIt's obation, but close, and thanks
June 8 at 10:27pm

Sadie Johnsonhaha! thats horrible, i need to be in school.
June 8 at 10:29pm

Sadie Johnsonthx for breaking it to me gently that i have no spelling skills what so ever...
June 8 at 10:29pm

Steven DawsonNot to break up the sop story but I still have one more line left....
June 8 at 10:33pm

Sadie Johnsonoh ok. sry to intrude.
June 8 at 10:34pm

Steven DawsonWait do not go! For the day is still but young! There is still much life to live! And where ever you roam, I will be but not far behind, as your final eternal resting home!
June 8 at 10:35pm

Steven DawsonDone now, you can continue
June 8 at 10:36pm

Sadie Johnsonhaha well what else is there to say?
June 8 at 10:37pm

Steven DawsonHow about "The End" what shall we name our play?
June 8 at 10:38pm

Sadie JohnsonHmm good question? How bout?
The Tale of the Noble & Broken or Dusk to Gust
now thats got meaning behind it.... Haha
June 8 at 11:54pm

Steven DawsonHow about "The Heart Broken Knight"? I like that
June 9 at 8:07am

Steven DawsonOr "The Regected Prince Charming" ?that sounds even better
June 9 at 8:22am

Steven DawsonSavannah what's your input?
June 9 at 8:23am

Sadie JohnsonHaha those r good. :) ya, savannah, input, u guys wrote the play, u decide...
June 9 at 9:06am

Savannah WidmerUh, how about "The Wrong Prince Charming" or "Rescuing the Damsel: is it enough?" , although I do like "The Rejected Prince Charming", it seems to fit rather nicely! :D
June 12 at 7:08pm ·

Sadie Johnsoni like the rescueing the damsel is it enough. Its really fitting
June 12 at 9:59pm

Steven DawsonBty that last comment was me useing sadie's phone, it was a new experiance for me, I stole her phone
June 12 at 10:25pm

Sadie JohnsonHaha stole? U wish. Well actually...u did?
June 12 at 11:48pm

Write a comment...

Through the Eyes of a Child

"An elementary school teacher gave her students some time to color and draw what ever they wanted. She walked around asking her students what they were drawing. She came up to one little boy and asked him what he was drawing. "God" her replied. She told him that that was impossible, for no one knows what God looks like. The child smugly responded with his crayons in hand, "Well they will in a few moments then won't they?"

This story was shared with my class today in church, and I began to wonder, which would God prefer? The lofty theological arguments that many scholars try to use to describe his nature? or the yellow stick figure with a halo around his head? God himself said that it was by small and simple means that he brought to pass great things. So why do people try so hard to define him in large flouncy explanations? Maybe that is why they fail so often, they are weighed down by the weight of their own wings.

Why can't he simply be our spiritual Father in Heaven, who sent us down here to learn, grow, and progress so we can have chance to obtain what we desired when we started our journey? to become like him, having a body and spiritually attuned nature that can live the life of a God. Why does mankind insist that because this life is hard, painful, and often mundane that God must not love us? Isn't it also Fun, Beautiful, and wonderfully exciting?  Like using the infinite life cheat on a video game, Life wouldn't be fun if it wasn't challenging. A race would be pointless if everyone was the fastest, skydiving not fun if there wasn't the fear of death, if we'd never have had to eat cold beans for the can, we could never enjoy a meal at Olive Garden. the war of life is full of goods and bads, wouldn't it be best to just stop complaining, put on your protective armor, and charge into battle swinging?

We need to be like the little children, Innocence is bliss, but not ignorance. there is a difference. To be corrupted by the self-centered, self-destructive little bubble that bemoans "woe is me" is not happiness and is not the doctrine of God. To be unblemished, pure, white, and clean. washed in the living waters of repentance, that is to be innocent, that is to be as a child. It starts with the belief that God is simple. It starts with the belief that while  we don't understand everything that happens in our life, one day we will look back and see the purpose and understand, and then it will all seem so simple.

There are a lot of niceties of my faith that I don't as of yet understand fully, but I know this, i can except them for what they are worth, and I have faith that one day the larger picture can be revealed to me. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ is one founded on Truth, I believe that Jesus Christ is my savior, and I enjoy the internal struggle to learn the things of God.

I'm going to try to write more spiritual posts every sunday, usually on my thoughts either during church or during the week, so you can look forward to that. Thanks to everyone who reads my blog regularly! it motivates me to keep writing when I see that people are interested in what I have to say.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I read this quote by Orson Scott Card, and I liked it so much, I thought I'd post it here,

"A claim of inspiration is a claim of authority, and, as a writer, I have none.
That is why I never claim that anything I wrote was inspired by God, not even things I wrote by assignment from the church. I accept the blame for my mistakes, and assume that if you feel inspired, that is the Spirit acting upon you as you read, not upon me as I wrote."
If you want, you can read the full article here: Article

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Little Boy Martin

So I had an assignment for my Writing class, I was supposed to bring a children's book about Martin Luther King Jr, Helen Keller, or Thanksgiving, so we could analyze it for the authors voice. I didn't know that was WHY we had to bring it to class before hand, so when I forgot about the assignment until the night before, I decided to write my own, my class mates thought it was a real hoot, so I scanned it onto here for the whole world to enjoy. Please, don't criticize my art-work, I'm a writer, not an artist.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Metaphorical Train-Wreck, or "The Metaphor Telephone Game"

If you want to understand the subject/context of this post, you'll need to have read my previous post and the comments attached to it up until comment 13# you can find that post here: The Salad the Knife Couldn't Cut, or by using the links on the right -->

To explain my first metaphor: "I'm sitting here looking at a salad, one my knife can't cut, and i'm thinking: I wish I had a fork", The salad is exactly what it is, a salad, the knife represents a fork, and the fork represents a knife. make sense now Sadie? You of all people should be able to figure this out with just that much information, just try you can do it.

For everyone else, My salads are a bit unusual, while on tope they have all the usual healthy ingredients of a typical salad i.e. lettuce, peppers, cheese, croutons, dressing, cheese, tomatoes, et cetera. Underneath my salads however are various assorted meats, steak, chicken, pork, and bread usually in the form of Pita or Pizza crust. Hence, the knife that was really a fork, couldn't cut the salad because forks can't cut meat very well, and I wish I had a fork that is really a knife so I could cut my salad and eat my delicious concoction. 

There is a deeper context to the this metaphor, as all good metaphors have, which I will now explain. The salad represents anything good in our life that we want to acquire and make ourselves better with, a healthy endeavor. As all endeavors of this sort usually have, there are hidden problems we didn't expect, the meat of the problem, which if we find a way to consume will only make the salad all that much better, yet currently seems impossible because there is no way to break it down into manageable pieces with the tools we have. When we sat down to eat the salad, we thought we had the right tool for the job, yet soon find out that we are ill equipped. But all hope is not lost, for if we can only find the right tool, we can get back to eating and bettering ourselves in a most enjoyable manner. 

I told you I wrote a chiasmus, I lied, I really wrote two! :)

Now that you know what my first Metaphor meant, Sadie, why don't you be a gal and explain your responding metaphor in the comments below? 

Thanks very much.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Salad the Knife Couldn't Cut

I'm sitting here looking at a salad, one my knife can't cut, and i'm thinking: I wish I had a fork.

how's that for a metaphor Sadie?
good luck guessing what it means.

I once read a book that said this: "Great minds think and write clearly; secondary minds get confused; inferior minds tie themselves in knots pretending they understand what they clearly can't even grasp."

the author of this book forgot one exception: Me
for I am neither a great mind, nor secondary or inferior. you see, I have a confusing mind, and while I understand clearly what I think and write, great minds tie themselves in knots, secondary minds get confused, and the idiots, well they still pretend they know what i'm saying when they can't even grasp the concept at hand. 

incase you didn't notice, I just wrote a chiasmus.

good luck deciphering my metaphor, but be warned, your conclusion will determine wether your mind is like unto mine (confusing), Great, secondary, or idiotic.

so what ever you do, please get me a fork, i'm hungry.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fuzzy Fingers Flop Far Fast

Dare you to say it 10 times fast!

ok, so two weeks ago tuesday, I went sledding, and guess what? stupid me, I wore the wrong pare of gloves. You know, the ones without real places for your fingers, just a "mitten cup" as i'm calling it that you can pull on if you need to keep your digits warm, the problem? the mitten part isn't attached to anything which provides infinite opportunities for it to fall off in the event of a sled crash, get covered in snow both inside and out, and leave your fingers out to soak in the snow until they FALL OFF!!!

Luckily, I caught this little trick of my gloves, and was able to borrow my friends gloves after his and many others offers of warmer hand wear, (I get it, i'm an idiot alright?), after a good 2 hours of pain and torture my hands finally thawed out. but much to my dismay, they did not get "un-numb" as I'm calling it, they have remained numb, with slowly receding progress in un-numbing, (one of the few times that "receding" can be called progress I might add...), and currently I am left without the ability to play my clarinet at 100% efficiency, but I do have a hope for the future, in about a month I should be able to function normally, to bad that's not fast enough...

I have a solo!!! 25 measures of just me playing, Contra Alto Clarinet, since when does that happen? I'll tell you, NOW!!! it happens and is happening now!!! the song is wicked fast and blimey impossible to play, yet I get to do it, and with a numb finger to boot!!! luckily the Contra doesn't have holes that the fingers need to cover, so it's really not that hard, just takes practice.

The song we're playing is sweet, I want everyone who can to come hear it, the concert is the 10th of February, at David Gardner Hall in Libby, it is on President Circle in SLC, University of Utah Campus. It should be a great concert and I'd love to see everyone there!

p.s. my fingers aren't as bad as I made them seem, I'm just gripping about them because I felt like it.
P.s.s. After I posted my last post "Two Balloons" I got more views of my blog in one day than i've had in previous months past, did everyone really like my poem that much? do you want me to write/post more poems like that? I like writing poetry so It's not a bother to me, comment below, I want to hear what yawl have to say! Thanks

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Two Balloons

Two Balloons
Two Balloons go flying by,
Both tied to the other's tie.
Attached and pulling, the weight goes down,
Yet upward is where both are bound.
No matter how they bounce and sway,
Upwards, ever upwards, is their way.

Such is the dance, of two in love:
They pull, they push, they prod and shove.
Both thinking each other a fool,
The girl is annoying. The guy is a mule.
They banter and rave, tear each other apart,
Yet upward are they led, by this delicate art.

The sky is the limit; I’ve heard it said,
As the balloons go soaring, above our head.
Where are they going? No one knows...
Where the wind carries them, that’s how life goes.
These are my thoughts, about Balloons Flying, bye,
Each and everyone, tied by each other’s tie.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

To all of you who started school early, IN YOUR FACE!!!

Dear early bird,

did you get the worm? I hope it tasted good. nice and juicy? how is waking up early treating you? enjoy the sunshine? well let me tell you something. I slept in, had a fabulous gourmet sandwich and soup, and spent the whole day lounging around and talking to friends, how about that? Enjoy your worm now?

you see, why would I want to start my second semester of college early when I could spend an extra week sleeping and recharging for the grueling education that i'm paying for? I get to spend another week with my family, spend some extra time with my friends, and all in all, I learn just about the same things you will. my worm is just as tasty, more so, because i'll be awake to enjoy it.

Steven Dawson

P.S. oh, and don't think i've done nothing productive with my extra time, I learned to juggle! so there.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!!

Today is January first, Saturday, and I like the comic I read recently which showed an old man with a 2010 banner telling a dog that he is only one year old, I'm saying it's time for something new. I don't want to make any resolutions, they never work anyways, so instead i'm going to follow the advice of Dilbert's dog and give the New Year my resolutions for it, instead of my resolutions for myself.

So, New Year, I expect you to fully comply to my wishes, you will have bad weather only when I don't want to go to school, the Bus will always come when I want, and my laundry will do itself. I expect to have good health and never to have a cavity. My shoes will shine, and the sun will too.

thank you so much for complying to my wishes,
Full of Wax,

I don't expect to the year to actually comply to my letter, but hey, it was fun to write. For the benefit of everyone who cares, here are my real New Years Resolutions:

Learn to Juggle

Keep a 4.0 for my Freshman year of College

Read the full set of Scriptures again before my mission, (Bible, Book of Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price)

Start actually going to the gym, lets see what happens when I actually work out instead of being a couch potato...

write on my blog, duh.

and get to bed earlier.

Who's with me in breaking the trend of breaking resolutions before they're actually complete? I'm serious about these goals and I think they're attainable, already better at juggling than I was last week....