Smile All-Ways: The definition

A way to wish everyone the best, and the ability to find a way to smile, no matter what befalls them on the roads of life. Also, It's my blog. It's in the Scriptures!!! 2 Nephi 9:39 Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal, Hence SMILE-ALLWAYS.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas this year was a blast! On Christmas Eve. we watched The Nativity and then opened our pajamas, the whole family got matching Star Wars Pajamas and red "Proud to be Awesome" tee-shirt, except my mom who didn't want to have a fly in her pajamas... like the fly in her soup she found later in the day... Among my favorite presents this year was a  canon proshot 12.1 megapixel camera, and a new book by Rick Riordan "The Lost Hero" This book combines Greek and Roman mythology to create a story of supreme quality. After opening presents my brothers immediately turned on the computer to play the game I'd gotten Nathan for christmas, and I sat down to watch them. We then went to my Grandma's house, I teased Spencer about going on a mission on Wednesday! and we ate really good food. then opened presents. I documented the whole event with my new camera, then made a slideshow about it, enjoy watching.

Then we went directly from that grandma's to my aunts house, I was going to take out my camera and take lots of paparazzi photo's like I had before, but there really wasn't anything I thought worth documenting there, we talked, ate flavorless food, and delicious cookies, but it wasn't quite the same as my grandma's had been.

After that we went home and my brothers immediately went back to the game i'd boughten Nathan, seems I really know how to buy presents. 


I just realized that a lot of my photo's seemed to be centered on someone's elbow... that might foreshadow something...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Getting Lucky on the Way to Vegas

This Past week has been a very eventful one for me. on monday I left on a trip to Las Vegas for the Boise State vs. U of U Bowl game. Of all the people who may or may not see Vegas in their life, I have to think that i'm one of a few to take the view I did. For I was not there for the gambling, peepshow, or other forms of classy entertainment that my colleagues were looking forwards to. I was there to perform at a football game I didn't care for and to fulfill the commitment I'd made in august when I signed up for the U of U marching band.

On the way there, my tour bus collided with a blue mini-van that had spun out of control due to weather conditions. Sitting reading my book and simultaneously watching the movie that was playing, I remember hearing the bus driver yell "oh no!" seeing the blue van spin into and hit the right side of the bus, and fly past us as we slowed down and pulled to the side of the road. the jolt was only enough to throw me forward in my seat, and luckily, very luckily, as the driver's side of the blue van was just T-boned by a bus full of college students, everyone escaped without a scratch and the blue van's passengers where only slightly hurt with bruises and the like. I had flash-backs to the crash that happened last year as we learned that the bus we had supposed to get on had been switched: meaning a different man would have been driving the bus that got hit, and I remembered the bus driver almost swerving to try to avoid the bus, but then correcting realizing that any attempt at dodging would put us over the edge of the road, onto similar terrain as the crash last year had been, only wet. I am so grateful that everyone was alright, and I feel blessed to have everyone escape so unscathed.

The rest of the week I spent doing two things, reading my book, a new favorite: "The Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson, I'm going to write a post soon promoting this book and sharing my favorite parts of it, this is the kind of book our children should be studying in school 10 years down the line. I know, Sci-Fi, but it has more literary and moral value for this time of corrupt leadership and religious activism than I would say even Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn had during the time of racial prejudice. The second thing I did was with the Band, Performing, but that's not nearly as interesting.

Getting back Thursday night, today is christmas and I'm going to write another post, about today and this post might just get swallowed into obliviousness, which is just fine with me.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Variations on a theme by my Brother.

My brother, Nathan, needed a video for an asignment in his Spanish Class. having put it off to the weekend before like so many students do, he needed something quick.So he asked my dad how to speed video up to twice their normal speed, my dad demonstrated with a video he'd taken of the song I was playing for Jury, and then Nathan cleverily supplanted spanish on top, whala! video done, total time: 1 hour. anyways, It's really funny, so enjoy watching!

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Twelve Days of College Christmas

awesome-est tree-est of the year-est from my dear-est Mommy!!!!

On the First day of College Count Down my Mommy gave to Me: a rubik's cube light game!!!
On the Second day of College Count Down my Mommy gave to Me: a huge package of Gold Fish!!!
On the Third day of College Count Down my Mommy gave to Me: a box of Swedish Fish!!!
On the Fourth day of College Count Down my Mommy gave to Me: a box of Laffy Taffy!!!
On the Fifth day of College Count Down my Mommy gave to Me: a huge metal Skittle with candy inside!!!
On the Sixth day of College Count Down my Mommy gave to me: An egg of silly putty!!!
On the Seventh day of College Count Down my Mommy gave to me: A motion detector, (batteries not included!!!)
On the Eighth day of College Count Down my Mommy gave to me: Jelly Beans!!!!
On the Ninth day of College Count Down my Mommy gave to me: .... I really can't remember...
On the Tenth day of College Count Down my Mommy gave to me: a Star wars lego set!!!
On the Eleventh day of College Count Down my Mommy gave to me: a Chocolate covered marshmallow christmas tree!!!
On the Twelfth day of College Count Down my Mommy gave to me:  A package of Chapstick!!!

There you go... composed a song about the awesome tree my mom got me.. didn't repeat everything like the original song because that takes to much time and i'm packing to go home right now. College was fun, but my tests are done and i'm going to enjoy my vacation.

Thank you Mom for taking the thought to provide such an awesome tree to get me through the last two weeks of school. I don't know how I could have written my last essay with out fish to munch on....

now, I would share the kit-kats and granola bars we saved for the last day with my room-mates... but sadly, they already moved out... so it seems i'm left to it all by myself... shame.

Now how shall I return the favor?
That is a surprise that shall wait for the 25th! :)


I know why I couldn't remember the ninth day.... I forgot to open a present that day! it was a small metal slinky!!! woot woot!!! thanks so much Mom

Monday, December 13, 2010

the adventures of Saw McMillian

Saw McMillian disappeared suddenly... no explanation, no letter of 95+1 grievances, just disappeared... He's back now though, and now he has a story to tell.

According to him, it was the stress of finals week that got to him. the horrible stressful tests just piled up and up until poof! from the internet he disappeared. I think he's lying, the tests shouldn't be that hard. I mean really, i'm been preparing for them since August right? I think he discovered anti-matter and just doesn't want to tell anyone about it. or the government is trying to cover it up. they told me that Saw left because of a bug in the system, but i'm not going to fall for this conspiracy!!! I have my right's and i want them!!! show me the anti-matter or this water bottle won't get recycled!!!!

anyways... so he left, and where did he go? well first he went to sleep because sleeping is fun and when your on your own with no one to boss you around, it's fun to do fun things. and then he went and did some service, because service is fun also, but that tired him out so then he slept again, when he woke up from that, he slept again. do you see this? it seems that he did a lot of sleeping during the weekend that we was away.

okay, surefire dates, Sunday morning after all that sleeping, Saw McMillian was getting a little tired of being on his own, no one to talk to, and he was getting hungry. Eggs sounded really good right now, but he had no where to get them, he ended up starving. luckily Blogger websites are made to live several day without food, otherwise he might have been a goner.

Then after a long arduous journey across multiple server networks and tron-frisbee's Saw McMillian came back home, amazing story I know, but what can you expect? he's a blog and it's hard for blogs to tell stories when they haven't been around to be fed in a few days.

I'm still waiting for my anti-matter, hey blogger team! do you want this water-bottle to be recycled or not?
your choice

(for the dim-witted among us Saw=Smile All-Ways, S.A.W,  get it now? and my blog went off-line for a couple of days because it was incorrectly labeled as spam during the weekend and apparently the Blogger team doesn't work on weekends, who would guess, their normal people)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Am, a Friend.

To those who are feeling sad, lonely, depressed, and rejected.
I am, your Friend.
To those who are as little children, my love has no end.
To those who once knew me, but have sense turned their back,
I am still your friend, though you see me as black.

To those who are lost and have no hope to be found, I am your Friend.
Though you spit on and curse me, and my heart does rend.
I would end your pain and dry up your tears,
For I do forgive you of all those years.

To those whom I love, and who love me in return,
I give my kingdom, and endless knowledge to learn.
To those who would have me hung on a cross,
your pain is your own, but I have paid the cost.

You don't know me, I lived many years ago,
but my influence doth shine, very much a glow.
I have been beaten, bruised to death,
so that ye may have and enjoy, your breath.

but yet ye do know me,
I created the world,
and it's beauty stands,
as a testimony,
I Am, The Lord.

In this winter season it is very easy to feel sad, lonely, or hopeless, the world gets colder and less friendly. It's easy to get stressed out. How thankful i am that I have so many wonderful friends to guide me in my life. I don't know what I would do with out them. but I know I have a greater Friend then what exists in my friends and family on earth, and that is The Lord, Jesus Christ, the Great I Am, I love him so much; I know that when I turn to him for comfort and aid that he will help me. He has paid the price for my sins, and I know I can come back to live with him someday. I am comforted by the knowledge that what ever affliction I may feel on earth today, will eventually, when looking back on it, feel like a small moment in time, insignificant to the happiness I will feel for enduring to the end and entering into my exhultation. I know these things to be true, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


this is the first time i've done this, but I don't think this post is done. I need to share some extra quotes, not my own words, about what it means to be a friend. So here they are:

"A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends. For if not, they weren't true friends in the first place."
---Sandy Ratliff

"Sometimes in life, you find a special friend. Someone who changes your life just by being a part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop. Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship. When you're down and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete because you need not worry. You have a forever friend, and forever has no end."

"I believe in angels, the kind Heaven sends. I am surrounded by angels, but I call them my best friends."

"Memories last forever, never do they die. Friends stay together, never say goodbye."
---Melina Campos

"A best friend is a sister destiny forgot to give you."

"When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you, and your best friend will be there."

"If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand."

"Never forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours."
---Ludwig Van Beethoven

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Things One Does for Attention...

My room mate likes to do a lot of funny things, mostly for attention, and mostly for the attention of girls, so with his permission, I am going to endeavor to list all the stupid things he's done/does, in no particular order.

1. he built an igloo in our shower, originally intending it to be a prank for someone else... fail.
2. he walks around in his underwear/speedo/shirtless, (sometimes he wears pants...)
3. shouts "WHO'S THERE!!!' when ever he hears someone walking down the hall, no matter what time of night it is
4. spends a lot of money on air fresheners
5. started a competition to see who could through a cardboard tube down the hall the farthest, without hitting and bursting the sprinkler heads in the ceiling.
6. Throws things out our window... e.i. pumpkins, snow balls, and ice-chunks...
7. he likes country, but when he has a girl over to study, he listens to hard rock.
8. once he went up and down the hall wrote his signature on every flier posted, now there are signs warning that if it happen's again, the floor will be charged for vandalism.
9. Having introduced him to racquet ball, he is constantly bouncing the ball off the wall, when our RM isn't around...
10. when he first got to the dorms, the thing that got most of his attention was that if he spayed fabreze in the heater, it would come out through the fan, he seriously would do this every day for a week, just because it fascinated him so much.

and so, in summation, he's not all that unlike me! :) except, I don't walk around in my underwear...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

wait... I must be out of my mind... nope, that's normal.

I have started and stopped many blog posts in the past few days, but none of the subjects seem to flow as easy as they normally do. I procrastinated writing about gingerbread houses, then I was going to write one of those paragraphs where all the letters in the words are screwed up except the first and last, which makes it still readable, but it seems that's harder to do than you'd think. So now for the lack of anything better to do, i'm writing about how I have nothing to write about. hmmm.... here's a short story that i'm about to make up.

once upon a time there was an elf, this elf liked to paint things. this elf lived in a forest, and in this forest there were a lot of rocks. so the elf would paint things on the rocks, sometimes he'd paint rainbows, sometimes he'd paint rain clouds. but everyday he painted something on a rock. then one day, he looked out at his forest and noticed that there wasn't anymore rocks to paint. He also noticed that where as his forest used to be a drab and lonely place, it was now full of so many colors it hurt his eyes. It was beautiful. So, he decided to take his rock paintings and share them with the world. As he met people, he'd hand them the rock he felt they would like the most. If the person seemed happy, he'd give them a rainbow. if the person seemed troubled, a raincloud. one day, he was walking along, saying hi to all of the friends he'd made by sharing his work. when he noticed something odd, he didn't have any more rocks to give out. what was he supposed to do? well. he still had paint, so he figured he'd go paint some more rocks. He said good bye to his friends, and left on a journey to find more rocks to paint. he journeyed far and wide, but where ever he went, he couldn't find any rocks. it seems that everyone had followed his example and were painting rocks to share with one another. the world seemed completely devoid of any gray at all. And then he saw it. Huge and immense, stood a huge cliff. solid rock, many feet high. It was the perfect challenge for a seasoned painter like the Elf. He painted as much as he could, creating a mural to match the sunrise, but try as he might, there was just to much stone for him to cover. he sat down dejected, although his little patch of the cliff was beautiful, there was still so much cliff that wasn't. He was just about to give up when he heard a noise, it started softly, then grew to a tumultuous clatter. It was all of his friends! they were coming will all of their paint buckets to help in his quest. they set to work with a vigor, painting all day and all night, taking it in shifts. little by little the cliff face was covered. with beautiful rainbows coming from stormy rain clouds, trees basking in the sun, animals frolicking through the forest. but most of all was shown, on that cliff face, the life of an elf, who brought joy to a very, very, bleak world. lightened everyone's day with a smile, and painted the gray rocks, with color.

good story? bad story?
that's the world I live in, deal with it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Power of One

As everyone should know by now, I am growing a goatee. I am doing so as a way to show my independence, but mainly, I'm doing it so I can rub it in the face of my friends at BYU. literally, Sean, you are going to get a chin rub next time I see you! I'd also like to point out a little anomaly I noticed.

you see, I had normally been just going to keep my facial hair, all of it, not shave any of it, but our team kept loosing, so I decided to do something about this. I shaved, now I have a wicked awesome goatee and what do you know? The U of U football team starts wining again. All thanks to my awesome hairline. now don't you think for a second that I haven't thought about what could have happened if I had only shaved earlier... cause I have... and honestly, I don't understand football enough to care. I thought I would record this momentous event though, as it seems to have been the sole cause of our teams success at the last game, there is no way it could have had anything to do with a Hail Mary pass or awesome defense... nope, it was defiantly my decision to shave and look presentable.

in this loo of a moment, I was thinking I would find some videos that share a little bit more positive and realistic of a message than mine, one is a video I found while searching for the other, your guess as to which one I was searching for. :)

hopefully these video's combined will inspire BYU fans and U of U fans to get along and sing kum-bi-yah after the game? I doubt it, but maybe that will happen when I shave off the rest of my facial hair? that seems a little more realistic than my other story....

The Power of One -
The Power of One -

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My LDS Vodka

There is a conspiracy going on at this college, they call it a dry campus, yet it rains almost every day! This week isn't even half over and already I've found something to write about, that should be a good inclination of how my weeks been.

Today I woke up late for my class, grabbed the wrong clarinet, and headed out the door still in my undershirt, (somehow I fit a shower in there, how my shirt didn't get wet, I don't remember), arriving at my class late, I sat down and noticed that there were so little in attendance that day, I probably didn't even have to come, which would have been nice because I still had the wrong clarinet for my lesson, but i was in the class now and I had to stay or risk offending Superman, (I gave him that nick-name because when his hair is long he has the signature superman cow-lick, its awe-some, but he doesn't know that's what I call him, so keep it a secret!), during the sight-singing portion of class I sang every pitch flat, consistently at the same interval relative to the correct pitch, but flat the whole way through, that's how bad my day has been. I went to Kathy, my Clarinet Professor, and explained to her my predicament, shirt, singing, and all. we decided that since i'd been on a business trip anyways, the lesson probably wouldn't have been very fruitful and I should just show up next week uber-prepared, no pressure there right?

The second part of the roller-coaster of a day I was having was a little better, kind of like the part of the ride after the initial plunge where you get a chance to catch your stomach again. I ate lunch with my Dad at the Noodle Factory, we both got the Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich, (yes those are capital on purpose), call me sacrilegious for eating a sandwich at the Noodle Factory, I don't care, I was having a bad day and it was on the menu.

The third part of my day wasn't much better than the first, In marching band we have to memorize two new songs by the BYU game next week, one we've had for a while and i've got down pretty good, the other is "Your a Grand Old Flag" or "Y Golf" as I like to call it.... (made that up right now btw, comes from this: "Your a Grand Old Flag" you like? or is that too irreverent?) it's not a hard piece to master, but the problem is that I was using my plastic clarinet, the one I called wrong, the mouth piece is so warped from over use that every time I tongued a note, it would let out a shrill shriek, eventually I got out my other mouthpiece from my correct instrument and it worked fine, but as a music major among his peers, that was embarrassing.

Then my day went on the up and up, after practicing until my supposedly healed pits from my wisdom teeth felt like they were going to burst from the pressure in my mouth, I headed to the HC to meet a friend for dinner. We talked over food for quite a while, she got to meet two of my room mates, and then she headed home so she could do homework, now I'm sitting here, drinking a nice can of lemonade, aka "LDS vodka", and I feel good. life is great, life is citrus, and tomorrow is a new day.... plus I still have the equivalent of three 6-packs in my refrigerator... :)

so to summarize an exceedingly long blog post, after a taxing day of educational stress, it is nice to sit back, and enjoy some LDS sanctioned drinking after a good, venting conversation.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

This post is going to be depressing, do not read.

well, as of yet, mathematicians are still convinced that they have an unending amount of Pi, the cheesecake factory is suing them for copyright infringement, The stupid people of the world think that there is no WAY that Obama is Keynesian, he was born in Hawaii. Love is in the air, and snow-flakes are square, my hair is long but do I dare? with the next week being the release of Harry Potter 7 part 1 cover your children's eye's, expeliarmus can kill the dark lord. Don't forget to thank the Lord, for your blessings of this year, the economy hasn't completely collapsed, hasn't Obama been such a dear? College foot ball has been such a surprise, BYU might pull a sheet over Red's eyes. We lost, 2 in a row, quite a failure to bring the band in tow. Essay's are due, but that isn't new, my ten little fingers form a very elite crew.

and now you see, I charge a high fee, to slip into rhyme, on the stop of a dime, it's tiredness, that with uncanny finesse, you see, hath done this to me.

now wasn't that a waste of your time? you should have trusted me when I told you not to read this.

Friday, November 5, 2010

This. Post. Is. Meant. to. Annoy. Inform. and Prevaricate!!

So as many of the worlds populous know's, guys like girls, girls like guys, but I just like cars and money! which isn't true, neither do I think it is the correct quotation of that song.....

to answer the many question's i've been getting. yes, I am participating in "no-shave november" in which I will not be shaving my legs, armpits, chest, or face until after the BYU vs. U of U football game, against popular consent, I have decided to get a soul patch, pending my discovering what that actually is, and in favor of singular consent, I have come up with a second analogy, concerning ice-cream, one which I will not be taking questions about, and I expect no one to understand, ever, which means I will have a good fun time ignoring everyone's prodding's... :) and sweat dreams. (literally, sweat them, just not out your armpits, that's disgusting and improbable in most galaxies....)

here it is, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear,  good luck!!!!



Thursday, October 28, 2010

some one else's brain..... or just a mirrored version of mine while sleep-deprived and halucinating... either way the end of the world...

it is strange being in a different country, the people don't speak the same language, the weather is constantly changing, and certain cotton candy people get really messy. on tuesday it snowed really hard, the ground was covered, but even with all the snow it was already plowed by the time I woke up. back home it would have just been declared a snowday! if you haven't guessed already, I am from the remote island of "Newfigutan land", its so remote that even though we live in the northern hemisphere above, we are also below the equator at the same time... hence clouds them selves have a hard time finding their way to our island. which is why snow is so uncommon.

living east of the tip of florida can be hard some times, not many planes or ships will come to our island. having used up all the natural resources on the island, my people have resorted to using magnetic tracter beams to pull cargo lugging freighters into our bays, because that is technically an act of war... per-say the international treatises in place after WWII, we have also developed a super powerful cloaking device so people can not see us from space. desperate times call for desperate measures.

a few years ago, we were running out of supplies and there weren't many planes flying near enough out tiny island because of all the rumors we caused despite our diligence at only abducting what would seem a normal disappearance quota. as we had already devised a plan using our amazing technology which the world doesn't deserve to have. which is where I came in. remember hurricane Katrina? they got the name wrong, it was supposed to be "the star ship enterprise" except the nuclear reactor refused to react and all I could do as the captain was crash land in orlando... I promise that bush had nothing to do with it.

call me Kirk, captain kirk, my mission, to get back home without being discovered. why? because that is dramatic and dramatic missions are always the funnest. hopefully i'll find some maiden of duress, or is that damsel in distress? I can never remember.... anyhow, it should be fun. it always is when kirkster's on the job.

for now, i am stranded in a distant land, far away from my ship and with no hope of rescue, surrounded by these strange people called Marmions, I have little chance for survival, but with my trusty phasor, and a feisty scottish person to beam my up promptly..........

ok, I can't handle it, i'm to sleep deprived, bored, and tired to even stand funny spoofs of co-joined sci-fi shows.... the funny things, this was origionally supposed to be an inspirational insight into the pysche of person from a different country....

yeah tirednesss!!!

now go to bed!!! (ok, fine)

I should stop talking to myself....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Ice-cream analogy, for those who have eyes to see...

it is time to answer, secretly, many questions with which I have been faced over the past few weeks. How can I secretly answer questions on a blog open to the whole world so see, (really i've had people living in Israel, Switzerland, Brazil, China, Canada, and Australia looking at my blog, some getting here from places as strange as Opera's website), well through analogy of course! do you have eyes to hear and eyes to see? if so you may gain eternal life, if not, you'll surely be confused and become so scared of my powers of confusion that you'll try to kill my in as grotesque way as the law allows... that seems to be the logic reaction of people who can't understand metaphors. not to compare my ability to Christ's of course... but still?

I have never really had much like for ice-cream, it's good and all, but when its desert i'd rather have a brownie or cake or cookies or a sandwich... pizza... bacon.... ribs.....mmmmmmmm. anyways, it's good, but the biggest thing that bugs me, is how many flavors there are go choose from. how's a guy to choose when he only has so much stomach and an infinite amount of possibilities! to settle all y'all fears, i've yet to find a flavor to settle down with and call my own, but i've had some interesting experiences.

First things first, as opposed to second of third, I've decided that Strawberry is not for me, a recent epidemic I had with the soft-served ice-cream machine at work decided that for me. I was trying to clean the machine  because we were closing and I wanted to go home, but I didn't have anyone to help me, so when the bucket that the ice-cream gunk was falling into was close to full and I needed to switch buckets, I didn't have any help so one thing followed another and in my efforts to switch buckets to continue cleaning the machine I made a huge mess and spilled Ice-cream all over myself, the machine, floor, and the rug that was on the floor. i got all dirty and my co-workers came up and laughed at me for making a huge mess, (no jokes this really happened just last thursday). I grabbed a mop and after a long time of soaking up the pink liquid the mess was finally cleaned up, but I am still thoroughly disgusted with Strawberry ice-cream and will probably not taste it for a very long time.

Second deals with Vanilla and Chocolate, flavors that everyone seems to know, recognize, and love every day of the week. Vanilla and Chocolate have been around sense before I can remember, of all the flavors i've tasted these are my favorites, because i've known them so long and they are familiar to me. Vanilla recently has come forward and seems to be in need of aid, for people keep trying to put new things into it like nuts, caramel, or chocolate chips, and that just doesn't do. so I am helping to defend Vanilla against the onslaught of outside contenders. Chocolate on the other hand seems to be the best when made in Germany, the German's do everything right it seems, just look at Uchtdorf! :) how it doesn't melt is beyond me though.

In College I have encountered some very strange and exotic flavors, as part of my Job I scoop icecream for the people at the cafeteria, i've met with Coffee icecream , Green tea icecream, butter pecan, and even Grasshopper, it shall be interesting to see which I gain a liking for, but most I refuse to try. Some flavors jump out at me as good possibilities, having good potential or an interesting flavor, but then taste bitter in the mouth. As of right now, I still consider myself and uninterested Icecream monsieur, and for those of you who still don't get the jokes, I probably will remain that way until about 6 months after my mission when the Rings at the jewelry store go on Sale. *wink* *wink*

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My life as a social recluse.... as apposed to the brown one...

This week was fall break, for me, it started last friday and continued all the way until next monday. hence 10 days of complete solace, with one exception, I should have gone home to visit my family, but I didn't. The beginning of break was awesome, I went to dinner and a dance with a friend from my Ballroom class on friday, learned how to play an incredibly awkward game called "bop" from some LDS fraternity boys, saw a magician, then stayed up really late talking to Tanner and Jannalee, (Tanner was eating pie.)

The next day I woke up around noon, (a pattern i'd be repeating the rest of the week), practiced for four hours on my clarinet, piano, and composing. then went back to my dorm and ignored life (which isn't very hard when there is no one around to NOT ignore. The campus has been so quiet this past week, it feels like walking through a cemetery at midnight, only its the middle of the day!!! Saturday night there was a piano concert I had to go to for my Concert Attendance class, Jannalee also had to go to it because she is taking piano lessons, so we went together. it was a good concert.

the next day was sunday, at church I had really cool insight come to me, which if you want to read about you should go to the blog where I record my spiritual insights and stuff like that... the link is: and there was another concert this night, but jannalee didn't want to go because she was leaving for home early the next morning. so I asked my friend from ballroom (and yes sean, I am intentionally omitting her name so you can't tease me about her :P ). it was a rather fun concert, and it was featuring faculty so it counts as double!!! I then came home and since the dorm was so quite, me and Jannalee stayed up really late watching The Testimates, and sharing stories about our life's before college.

then my life got boring, remember the pattern? well, I wake up every morning around noon, practice until my mouth falls off, pick my mouth back up, put it in my pocket and go back to my dorm to do practically nothing until work was over. (the cafeteria was practically dead, so I spent a lot of time dusting). I watched a lot of movies the first night, Brother bear, Brother bear 2, and such. ironically, sean and were still awake at 3am that night, so we had a video chat, college rocks no? tysum.

Tuesday was about the same thing, except I didn't work, and Nicke called me and asked if I would accompany her to rent a movie. we didn't end up renting a movie, instead we went shopping for her iphone cover, then got sandwiches and tacos at the food court. I got back at around 11ish, and naturally didn't go to bed until about 1.

Wednesday was probably one of the most boring days, after waking up around noon, practicing until 4, then doing a little bit of homework until bed, I got my annual stuffy nose from drinking milk, and it wasn't very fun.

Thursday doesn't seem to be much of a blast either... I woke up to find that my phone is broken because I had missed the pocket when trying to put it away after talking to my mom, and it fell 5 feet, hit the floor and shattered the phone. I have to work today, do laundry, write a 1-page paper, and re-read the inferno of Dante. should be a great day.

but, I am going home tomorrow so that is something to look forward to. I have learned my lesson, and am not going to do everything in my power to avoid campus during extended breaks. might see my family more that way... also in my eternal optimism, (and half-asleep humor) I can only be grateful that in my practice of Reclusism, i was not turned into a brown recluse and forced to bite people. who knew?

and now to go put food in my belly, gel in my hair, and money in my wallet... assuming I can get my laundry done....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How to Fix A Car... And other things...

Well... recently General Conference was, and now application is. but how does this apply to flying an airplane? that depends on the weather condition. I fixed a car. that's right, no expensive equipment, no mechanic license, next time you need a lube, come to me! for i fix cars for a weekend.

seriously though, while watching Conference at Sean's house with a bucket'o'friends, I found a match-box car that was undouptably broken. hence, the entire front axle was loose and the wheels were sliding all around, I found a simple way of sliding the axle into place and positioning the wheels so that they would spin freely, using nothing but my finger tips, lets see a trained professional do that!!!

on a more serious note, wasn't conference this past week awesome? I may have been fixing a car during the interluding music breaks, but I listened to all the talks. I have to say that my favorite was Hollands talk at the very beginning when he expressed his gratitude towards his parents and the members of the church, I have to admit I shed a tear when he told that story about his parents.

and a new revelation has hit us, they provide cups of water for the speakers! my question, what if more than one person actually needed that cup of water? that's not very good hygiene for all those seasoned young men to be practicing, I never saw them switch the cup after Uchtdorf set it down, what if the speaker after him had needed a sip?

on a more serious note. it seemed that two of the biggest messages they gave was 1: "listen to the prophet, for his word is the word of God" and 2: "wickedness never was happiness" has anyone noticed that the prophets "final words" during the last conference session were short, abrupt, yet encouraging? he asked us specifically to reread the issue of the talks in the new era when it comes out, and told us how magnificent the conference had been. Now i know personally that after conference I always intend to reread to talks, but loose momentum after about the first one... but after a whole conference focused on how the prophets words are directly the words of Christ I thought. if Christ asked me to do something as simple as reread the talks in order for me to gain a greater understanding of the Gospel, would I do it? often times Christ asks simple things of us as a trial of faith, will we trust him or will we look away in disbelief? I personally am going to do all I can to reread the whole conference, because I don't want to miss anything important.

on the other hand, i'm slightly relieved that he didn't stand up and ask everyone to start gathering in Missouri, I haven't even finished my first semester of College yet!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

and the graceful butterfly lands on his face...

what can i say? 2 tests due this week, piano performances both, and essay due next monday, 5 pages for what its worth, practice every day, my talented skill to bring forth....

nothing comes to mind so easily, as a break in the middle of a fall, where one might get the chance to roll a three holed ball...

family games are no trivial matter, when feasting on the words served on the general conference platter.

my brother doth with his slight fingers take, what the lock on my door it's steely teeth do break.

compose, compose, compose away, the sound does sow saintly songs away.....

cha cha, cha cha, cha cha cha cha, cha, waltz is coming, cha cha is ending, my teacher is streping, I am stepping, but not on girls toes

and BANG goes the dynamite, the kick off is done, my glorified foot ball team gone done won!


enchanted this morning has been though I really must end, I hope to see you again soon alive, and well my friend!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

1 Month Down

it's been about a month since college began, doesn't seem that long to me. When I really think about it though, I realize that 4 weeks of school have already happened and moved on. People say that when you die your life will flash before your eyes, I must have been dying for a long time then because it seems life has been going by in a flash these past few months.

I've been getting better at my clarinet really fast. I think i'm finally out of recovery mode from when I tried to learn to play oboe, and I actually feel like i'm improving. I'm still learning how to play the guitar, it just that I find it hard to pick it up and practice, I'll get around to it-eventually...

I know I shouldn't have, but this week I bought a book at the book store. Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson, it cost only 8 dollars, but was such good entertainment that it was worth 30, I think I got a good deal. although, his latest book "The Way of Kings" IS about 30 dollars, and somehow I think the same math applies and it's quality is worth about 150, to bad I don't have enough money for either price. I know what I'm asking for for christmas though.

I recently got a job working at the cafeteria on campus, it's usually not that exciting of a job although they told me that most thursday's I get to work the cotton candy machine. Which is Awesome! I get so covered in the stuff its crazy, my co-workers call me 'Ghostbuster' or 'Spiderman' because it looks like I got his with the slime from ghostbuster or one of spiderman's webs. I had students taking pictures of me with their phones!!! it was awesome. besides that, cleaning tables isn't very fun. but I get paid so it's all good.

My ward is great, they have good lessons, speakers, and an awesome ward choir full of virtuoso vocalist majors. (ok, I lied about the last one, there is rarely even enough in attendance to even have a choir). but the rest is awesome. we don't have actual pews so we have chairs. but there are comfortable chairs and plastic ones, to motivate people to come early. and i'd say that our chapel is even more comfortable that way, more leg room.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Ok, so I went to the bookstore today, you know, the one on campus that everyone usually just walks around but never actually goes into? That one. Origionally I had intended to buy some staff-paper for music dictation, and maybe brows through the sci-fi section and see if there is any new books.

Forgive me for being captain obvious, but I never found the Staff paper. I walked in there, smelled the pages of countless unread books calling to me, and immediately preceded to spend the next 40 minutes drooling over books I don't have enough money to buy. Brandon Sanderson, my favorite author, has just started a new series of books, which look equally appealing to my eye as a suitcase of money would to a miser's. I saw the book sitting on the shelf, all 5 pounds of it's 300,000+ pages, rubbed it for a bit, put it down, and then bought the 8 dollar still equally as awesome book Warbreaker, also by Brandon Sanderson. Mommy? can I have my Christmas Present 3 months early? I know what I want and I want it reaaaalllly bad....

I can never go in that book store again, otherwise I might just cause too much property damage from all the saliva I create wishing for the books I find, and then I'd be broke.

Oh, and I found out where the racquet ball courts on campus are, guess where I'm headed saturday?

Steven Dawson.

Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm really busy! give me a break!!!

well, I'm a College Student, enough said right? most day's I have class from 7:30am to 4:00pm with little break in between, then I have work twice a week from 4:00-9:30, 3 hours of practicing a day i'm (supposed) to do, I usually get about an hour and a half, plus written homework, essay's to type, and don't even get me started about the 10+ hours i'm required to donate to a marching band game every week, and My english teacher wonders why I fall asleep in his lectures about "The Mediaeval World View!!!". 

We have learned 10 steps of the cha cha in my ballroom dance class, and today I found a permanent dance partner for the rest of the semester, which i'm glad about because some of the girls in that class aren't to fun to dance with (i.e. no backs to their shirts, or just plain can't dance!) It's a really fun class and the teacher is extremely funny.

My Keyboarding teacher is japanese, and I don't think she understands how to teach the piano very well. she tries to talk faster than she knows how to, confuses her words, and then gets frustrated when we don't understand when if she would just write what she wanted on the board we'd understand so much faster.

My Music Theory class is really fun, my professor is such a techno-junky that he gave us GPS coordinates to help us find the computer lab in the library where we meet on Friday's. he has us hand all of our assignments in digitally through a server, and he hates paper. He told us that when he was in college instead of carrying a huge textbook around he'd just take a photo of each page and save the photos as his own personal virtual textbook. some of those books have thousands of pages!!! he's a nut.

For my Musicianship professor I have Super-Man!! no seriously, before he got a haircut he had that superman curl going, I don't know if it was intentional but It was really cool. but now he has shorter hair and he just looks normal, crazy turn of events happened with him though, technically I wasn't supposed to be in his class, but in a class on the other end of the hall, but when I went to go meet the other teacher I decided that I liked superman better, so I transferred teachers.

Living in the honor's dorms is awesome, all the people here are really cool, just last tuesday I played chess with a guy from India, and he beat me!! twice!!! those were really fun games too. I'm going to play him until I win, i've got to sharpen up on my skills.

I recently got a job at the cafeteria on campus, I make sandwiches (which is like a child-hood fantasy coming true), clean the floors, and clean the tables, (which is like a child-hood nightmare coming true) all this combines into and average good dose of reality and I am motivated to not fail at college so I don't have to do jobs like such for my whole life.

I'm doing pretty well with my contra, my parents bought me a plastic reed just last week which works really well, and I'm really enjoying myself.

Life is rather busy right now, but I know that I'll always be able to overcome it, I have the scriptures, prayer, church, institute, lots of things to remind me that I can receive help. I do my best to always have a smile on my face and say hi to everyone I see. I look forward to the future with an eye of hope.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hi, I don't know your name, but i'm really going to miss you!

Today was my first day of church in college. I'm not perfectly sure how the wards are arranged, but I know that all the people in my building are in the same ward. which is pretty cool because then we get a greater chance to get to know each other.

although there is a track-station right next to the institute, its faster to walk because my building is on the same road and the nearest station to board is a circumventional route, then you'd have to wait for the train, and it's just fast to walk.

There are four meeting houses in the institute building, I know that at least 1 of them has real benches, but the one my ward meets in has plastic, stack-able, chairs. I was actually surprised at how packed the room was. I also found it funny to note that the chairs closer to the front were cushioned while the chairs in the back were hard plastic, good old LDS style.

This week was kind of weird, especially as a freshman because the bishopric was being reorganized and all the previous bishoprics and their wives were speaking. It was a very spiritual meeting, but I found it rather funny that they were talking about how much they'd miss being in our ward, when 40% of the ward had never even met them yet. It was really kind of cool to watch just how much they cared for the rag-tag group of college students, and I saw a similar kind of love developing in the new bishops demeanor as well. I think I'm going to really like it here.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

To think, the School made another error.

Short post this time, make a long story short, when I went to pick up my books on Monday they gave me the wrong package, I had chosen to ride my bike that day so I had to heave the whole 30Ib. up hill, not fun, but not impossible. I preceded to open the package and discover that I had been given the wrong books, so the next day I heaved them all the way down hill early in the morning to get my actual books. I ended up exchanging the 30Ib package for one that was so heavy it broke the bag as I carried it around. I had been dull enough to pick them up at the start of the day so that for the rest of the day I was lugging around a huge collection of text books.

Advice for all those yet to enter college: pick up text-books on your way HOME not on your way to class, much more convenient.

(I did however, "accidentally" keep the complementary starbursts that they include in each package, whoops, I guess I'll just call that my payment for my troubles. I was hoping for a gift-card or something like that though...

To think, the School made another error.

Short post this time, make a long story short, when I went to pick up my books on Monday they gave me the wrong package, I had chosen to ride my bike that day so I had to heave the whole 30Ib. up hill, not fun, but not impossible. I preceded to open the package and discover that I had been given the wrong books, so the next day I heaved them all the way down hill early in the morning to get my actual books. I ended up exchanging the 30Ib package for one that was so heavy it broke the bag as I carried it around. I had been dull enough to pick them up at the start of the day so that for the rest of the day I was lugging around a huge collection of text books.

Advice for all those yet to enter college: pick up text-books on your way HOME not on your way to class, much more convenient.

(I did however, "accidentally" keep the complementary starbursts that they include in each package, whoops, I guess I'll just call that my payment for my troubles. I was hoping for a gift-card or something like that though...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Technically technology is supposed to work, right?

Story time, k? I moved into college monday, but I also had marching band on monday. the Marching Band allowed from 12:00pm-6:00pm to move in. After finding my mom and brothers, we went to the housing office to get checked in, they told me everything should work so we went to my dorms, we grabbed almost all the stuff I had packed and tried to go inside. but my keycard didn't work (wouldn't open the door) so I call the housing office and ask "what's up", they didn't know and told me to call the Ucard office, they haven't an idea either and ask me to come down so they can look at my card, ("coming down" constitutes about a mile walk 1-way, and a mile walk back up hill the other way) so I walk down, they tell me it should work, and I try to walk up, but I missed the dorms and ended up walking another half-mile to the hospital, taking the bus back to the Ucard place, and starting over again, I finally get to my dorms and I swipe my card, it doesn't work still. So I call the Ucard place, more ticked then i've been in months, and politely ask them to try again. they take the pin number from my card and put me on hold for five minutes, then tell me it should work. It does and I finally get to move on with the rest of my day.----After 2 hours of walking around like a chicken with his head cut off and tied to a flag pole, me and my family were finally able to discard my stuff in my dorms. they left around 5, and I went back to marching band at 6. 

the next day, I got all ready for MB and went outside, then remembered i'd forgotten some money to pay for my uniform fee, unfortunantly, my card wasn't working again, I had to get to marching band so I delayed trying to fix it until lunch time. I called the Ucard office, they put me on hold, and then someone hung up on me!!! so I called agian and it was busy, I called until it wasn't busy and they told me that they had no idea what the problem was, they'd call me back when they had a solution, so I went and got some lunch came back to my dorms and waited, they never called me back. so I decide to call them, they told me that they had been trying to call, but couldn't probably because I was blocking their phone lines, when it never said on my phone that i'd missed a call, and I had waited a more than sufficient time for them to be able to call me without interfering with the phone call they said they had tried to send. finally, they told me they were just going to print me a new card and that I could pick it up after marching band at 5. (5 is also when the U card office closes, along with every other office in the school, meaning if this card didn't work I'd be locked out of my house the entire night with nowhere to stay) after band I went down to pick it up, but didn't have enough time to make sure it worked before the activity the band was having that night, (we watched iron man in the band room, they actually have a good projector screen unlike the dinky tv's in AF's band room) I got a ride with a friend back up to my dorms, and luckily, the card works!!! no telling wether or not it will work tomorrow, the next day, next week, or some other time in the distant frustrating future....

I'm wondering, does anyone else have a "moving" story to trump this one? if so, I'd really like to know, share please!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Day I obtained Divine Power

Today, I obtained the power of God, The Melchizedek Priesthood, I also slept in and missed church, but that's besides the point because it was actually a good thing. See, it goes like this: because I missed my singles ward I was able to go to my home ward, because I was able to go to my homeward I was able to be awarded my Duty to God Award, bless the sacrament one more time in my ward before going to college, connect with my home-teaching companion to go home-teaching one last time, say good by to the Burninghams (my favorite teaching couple of all time who better be reading this), and sit with my dad and brothers for the opening exercises of Priesthood meeting. So in the end it was a blessing that I slept in late and didn't go to missionary prep, so there!!! because if I hadn't then I wouldn't have achieved my Duty to God, wouldn't have been able to do all those good things, solely because I woke up on time, just goes to show that The Lord can make anything into a good thing.

At the actual ordination meeting I got to enjoy having my bishop, young mens leader, grandparents, and high-priest leaders there, along with my family, I couldn't help laughing when Bro. Hull asked my parents to share things about me, I was thinking "share things to embarrass me", and as anyone knows, I have found a way to enjoy being embarrassed, so it follows, I was laughing through the whole thing-silently-but laughing, I felt bad because I was laughing during their testimony parts too.... but it was actually really nice to hear all he good things they said about me, I'm glad people think i'm so good, makes me relate to Nephi, sort of.

It's not often I get to hear my parents bare their testimonies, they don't often bare them in church, maybe that's why I find it so hard to stand up myself? I'm getting better at that. It was really nice to hear my Mom and Dad speak with the spirit, it brought the spirit into the house and prepared me for my ordination.

Now that I have the Melchizedek Priesthood I have a sacred duty to My God to continually be doing good, giving service, and keeping all his commandments, I hope to be successful in these endeavors, and by reading the scriptures I am comforted in knowing that this is possible.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

DUCK!!!!! OW!!! sorry!.......

This week Me, Sean, and Tysum have decided to play racquet ball in the mornings. I tried to get them to play with me earlier in the year but they resisted. To bad I leave for college next week and we only get to play for two weeks, we'll have to make it a habit that during school breaks we play.

Racquet ball can be a dangerous sport, so, I have decided to type up a little lesson on how to safely play racquet ball. first, the ball is your enemy, your goal is to get it to go !SpLaT! against the wall opposite the door. second, the ball is your enemy, it will do what ever it can to NOT go !SpLaT! against the wall which is opposing, just hit it harder. second, if Sean is standing it the way of the opposing wall, the ball will hit Sean, so, my advice, if you are Sean and you are standing in between me and the opposing wall, DUCK!!!

Second, the ball has an infatuation with the floor, or should I say, an addiction. we all know we are suppose to love our enemies, so it is your goal to keep the ball from touching the floor as much as possible, this however is impossible, but if at any time sean is standing in between the floor and your  ball, there is only one think for him to do, DUCK!!!, but of course, the ball is headed towards the floor, so in this case, it's a lost cause, sorry Sean.

Third, the ball loves the side walls that are perpendicular to the far wall almost as much as it loves the floor, if you aim for these walls, the ball will hit something!!!! so don't, your far better off making it go !SpLaT! on the opposite wall, safer that way too.

Fourth, take a moment and look at the ground, IT'S HARD, it will hurt if it hits you!!! so, it is your decision, if the ball is about to hit the ground, (and we've already established that that isn't a good thing) you can either, a.) dive and make a fool of your self as you miss the ball and it collides with your cranium at the exact time that your cranium hits the floor causing a double conktusion of the brain, or b.) wait for it to bounce back up and hit it doubly hard in the general direction of the nearest opposing wall, be considerate of the other players though.

Fifth, don't stand behind another player as he tries to hit the ball, this game isn't called raquethead for a reason.

Last, if you want absolute guaranteed safety you can either wear a 100% supersonic-bullet proof suit of mythril armor....... or you can sit with popcorn and t.v. dinner in hand and watch with a birds eye view from the windows above as everyone else gets pummeled to pain by the enemy of all man kind, the ball.

             all views expressed in this article
             are the expressed opinion of
             no one in particular,
             do not blame anyone for injury
             sustained by the following of
             these guide lines. Ever.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Blue Skies, The Tragedy

This week, as I've already stated, I spent 90% of my time at a Blue Skies Music Camp, I wasn't attending this camp, I was just 'at' the camp. My brother, Tyler, was the one attending. seeing how most of the camp was 16-17 year olds, he really needed someone there who he know so he wouldn't feel so lonely. usually this is my mom, this year the responsibility fell on me.

don't get me wrong, this camp seemed like a total blast for anyone who played a stringed instrument, but I don't, so even though I got to attend most of the classes/groups my brother did, most of it flew right over my head. there were basically five highlights to this camp that I want to point out, first a girl, second an instrument, third a girl, and fourth and instrument, go figure right?

the first girl is the one I already mentioned, if you want to read that post click on this link: all I want to say on this subject more is that after I returned the mandolin she basically ignored me the rest of the week, and that I have decided that I want to learn how to play the guitar.

second instrument is the penny whistle, I brought a penny whistle to show this other guy named Taylor who brought one, the fervor what contagious and by the end of the camp we had 15 people who had boughten pennywhistles and were learning how to play them, we even got the leader of the camp (Aaron Ashton) to set up a pennywhistle class taught by a professional pennywhistle player. it was pretty sweet.

the second girl actually became my friend, sort of, she isn't LDS, but keeps the standards better than half the girls in my singles ward, and she has a boyfriend. but she made the camp funner because we became less of the "guy with his weird brother who cares more about his nintendo then actually participating in the camp" and more of someone who was fun to sit with at lunch, it just made the day a little funner to have someone to talk to other than my brother.

one of the coolest things about this camp was that there was only about 35 kids there in total, with only 5 people on staff, hence we got to know the staff rather well. on the first day I told them that I was only here with my brother, didn't play any plucked instrument, and was a clarinetist. they mentioned that I could bring my clarinet and they even let me participate in the choir!! it was pretty sweet. in the final concert I played in one of the bands and sang with the choir.

other things I need to mention: the band names were really cool, the concert was relaxed, the performers were wearing things like flipflops and even a kilt!!! it was super cool. some of the names were as follows, "semidisfunctional pyrokenetic earthworms", "untitled", and mine was "bowl of success" we sang a song satyring the camp staff, it was sweet because the camp was called "blue skies" and the song was called "blue skies" it was really funny.

yeah....... CADENTIAL ENDING!!! that's about it.....

have fun!!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I am spending this week with my brother at his guitar camp, I'm going to include a large overview of this week later, (once the week is over) but I'm bored right now while he's in a class so I thought I'd type up a little sub-text as to what has happened, thus far.

I met a girl, I know, weird, but I did. her name is Melissa, and she comes from star-valley Utah and is in the Star Valley Grass Band, I knew this band because last year I had met a girl named Megan at a summer camp I attend who is also in this band so when I heard the name I asked her if she knew Megan, she did, since then----basically nothing has happened.

she's a very friendly girl, Mellissa, and because I was a woodwind player in a sea of "string"ists, (violins, guitars, cellos, basses, and Mandolins), she is an amazing singer and only picked up the guitar a few years ago, when I mentioned to her that I was only here for my brother and that I played clarinet three things happened, 1. she laughed, 2. she asked me to bring my Clarinet the next day and play a bit (more on that in the future post), and 3. she offered to teach me a bit of how to play the Mandolin.

she showed me three chords, the D chord, the G chord, the C chord, and the F chord, and then..... she let me take her Mandolin home with me!!! either she trusts me more than she should, or she wants to get on my good side, either way is fine with me, she's cute. :)

so...... I took the Mandolin home and spent some time getting the hang of things, and when I brought it back today I realized that 4 chords means almost nothing and I have a long way to go before I can be proficient in any degree, but thanks to Melissa and her over-trusting nature I have discovered that string'ed instruments can be really fun, I think I'm going to steal one of my dad's seldom used guitars and take it to college, then in my spare time I can learn some chords and maybe eventually I'll be able to call myself a guitarist....maybe.

but probably not...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

How to mow a lawn, for dummies.

last Wednesday I mowed what was probably the worst lawn ever invented, near the end I would not be surpised to hear that I had bagged over 150 lb.'s of grass, which would be exceptable if I was mowing a multiple acre lawn, but no, it was a midget back lawn located on the Alpine Highway, there was so much grass because the grass had grown to over a foot in length. After such a traumatic experience I have decided that I can now call myself an expert lawn-mower, as such I thought I'd publish my first rendition of my latest book: "how to mow a lawn for dummies" here it is.

there are 5 steps to mowing a lawn, first, make sure your lawnmower is in good condition. this may include unscrewing several caps and changing various fluid's like the oil and the gas, the gas tank is usually the bigger of the two caps on the top of the engine, the oil tank cap has a metal rod that sticks into the tank, this is so you can test the level. if you notice that there isn't any gas in the engine, fill it up, if you take out the oil rod and notice that the oil rod has oil on it, this is a good thing. if you can, find the arrows on this rod, the oil level should be between these arrows, if it isn't, empty or fill accordingly, most engines need their oil changed every 24 hours they are running.

now that you know about the fluids of the mower, it is time to learn about the weapons of the mower, and I mean serious Armageddon, you do NOT want to stick you hand anywhere near this part of the mower when it is in operation, it would give you quite a story to tell, if you live to tell the tale. this is, of course, the blades, these should be able to spin freely without obtrusion, also, they need to be sharp (for maximum carnage) if they aren't, FIX IT!! common ways to do this is with your hands and a grinder. it is a good thing to note before you tip the mower to look at the blades which side the air filter is on, because you have already filled up the gas tank, you need to tip is air-filter side up, otherwise the gas will excape it's tanks and ruin the air filter, and that hurts the air-filter's feelings, which is not a good idea because then it pollutes the atmosphere.

now that you blade is sharp and you tank is full, you can start to mow. grass has been witnessed to range in heights from non-existant (dirt) to 2 feet in length, (I call this kind, "royal grain", just made it up, do you like it?) I suggest that you first survey your lawn, are there any tree's, is there dirt or royal grain? any rocks to avoid? what is the best method of attack. usually, the best looking lawns are those which have straight lines stretching from one side of the yard to the other, so plan you lines so that  they can be as straight as possible, I've found that usually circling the lawn twice before beginning a lawn helps to negitate missing small patches, and gives more room for turning the mower around while up agains a fence, wall, or prickly rose bush. make sure to take note of all these things and any things that can be moved before mowing, make sure to get them out of the way, they are annoying. or, is you wish, picture the face of someone you don't like on that small object, and watch as that person's head goes flying off into millions of pieces.

this is the actual working step, you mow the lawn. most lawnmowers are selfpropelled now-a-days, but only wimps use those, you want an example look at pro-wrestling, all those people mow their lawns with their teeth! if they can do that, you at least can use a push mower, but, I don't expect you to be able to do that, so use a self-propelled mower. the bags attached to these things are small, so you will have to empty the bag a lot. if you are unlucky enough to be hired to mow a royal grain or dirt, here are a few tips, avoid the dirt, it gets flinged up ing that atmosphere and contributes to global-warming, so don't mow it, plus it gets in your eyes and makes you feel dirty, (stupid dirt, it does that sometimes), if you are mowing a royal pain lawn, first off, you might consider suicide as an alternative, second if that fails to meet appeal, set the mower on it's lowest setting, and over lap your mowing trail a lot more than usual, (btw, when mowing it's a good idea to overlap just a bit, the wheel pushes down grass and so on the first pass through not all of it might get mowed), if you do this, the blade won't get stuck as often, and you'll feel less depressed because of you miserable life.

your done yay! I hope you brought someone to do the trimming, because otherwise, your life sucks right now! "an un-trimmed but mowed lawn is worse to the eye-sight than betty crocker's soup coming up the gullet for the second time in one day" is the motto i'd adopt here, if you mow, you gotta trim, and then you gotta blow, because trimming makes a mess and a dirty side walk is unbecoming. I would tell you how to trim and blow, but this is a book for how to mow, so if you want to learn how to trim and blow, buy the other non-existing-book and read that, i'm sure it has lots of useful information. after you done trimming and blowing, you get paid. this is the good part, money, the average mower earn's 20$ per average sized lawn, and the prices only go up, and remember, if you mower starts spewing smoke, it's one of two things, either you insulted the air filter, or the engine just doesn't like you much!

so who thinks this is publishable materiel?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


so my dad finally let me have a laptop this week. Origionally he had promised me a new laptop for college, then one under 1000$, and then he finally just gave me his old one. (it's still forthcoming wether he plans to  replace it or not, but his excuse for not spending any money is reasonable--he plans to by me a brand spankin' new one after my mission. A laptop purchased now would be 3 years old by the time I was really ready to be gung-ho about college and i'll have the knewest addition then, which sounds pretty sweet to me. there is a lot of cool stuff on this laptop, for one, it's mine. I named it "The Compositor" because I'm going to use it as a Computer and for Composing, clever huh?, sadly, the actual name is "Matt Dawson's Computer" because my dad named the actual hard drive and I only named my admin's account, he's so creative isn't he? I like my name better. for examples the other computers and networks my dad has named there is: "The Upstairs Computer" "Bob" "The Downstairs Computer" and "Unicorn" very original right? I've found some interesting things that make me prefer a mac to a pc, i've been raised on pc's and only recently have discovered how much more user friendly and customizable the Mac's can be. I can have "spaces" which are basically tidy "extra screens" so I can have one "space" for the internet, one "space" for  Finale, one "space" for itunes, and another "space" for something else, I can choose how many "space" I want and even how their organized. this way I can have lots of windows open and only see the ones that are related to eachother, sweet huh? I think so.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Helaman's Camp--Saturday

Saturday was short, but amazing. After waking up we had companionship study then individual study. We had given each of the companions in our zones short lessons to prepare for our zone meeting so they could teach each other before we taught them. After study time we went and had breakfast, the only meal there which wasn’t satisfying, cold, insubstantial, health cereal. It was obvious that adults had purchased the cereal, the only sugary stuff there was Coco Coco puffs and Lucky Charms, and there wasn’t enough for anyone. But that was ok because all the other food was so good. We then broke camp and had our zone meeting.

Richard told us this awesome story about hiking a volcano, Richard is a very good story-teller. Then all the groups taught their lessons, and I closed it up with this parallelism: The BoM testifies of Christ, Christ is the Son of God, We are Son’s of God, The BoM testifies of the Son of God, The BoM testifies of US, and by reading it we can learn how to make our imperfections like Christ’s perfections. I thought it was pretty sweet, but I could tell it went right over the heads of most the zone.

Then after a few brief remarks from the bishop we went to the end of the week testimony meeting. Everyone knows how sometimes during a testimony meeting there are periods where you have to wait for someone to get the courage to stand up and bear? Not at this meeting. There was a line 10 people long the entire 2 ½ hours, we only stopped because we had to get home. Every time I attend a testimony meeting I feel like I should get up and bare my testimony, I want to, but usually my fear of public speaking wins out. Not this time though, somehow I made it into the testimony line. A really strange thing happened when I stood up to bare my testimony. Up until this point in the meeting it had been rather calm, no wind, no extra noise to drown out the speaker. When I started to speak the wind started to blow gusts of wind so loud that I could barely hear myself speak, but I continued to talk and they only got louder. When I sat down, the winds quieted down and for the rest of the meeting were almost non-existent. It was very bizarre, but rather cool at the same time. I take it as god’s little way of saying “thanks for finally bearing your testimony like I’ve been asking you to” After the meeting all the leaders lined up in a line, Bro. Culliard first, the Stake Presidency second, and so on. We hugged every one of the leaders that had sacrificed to make such an amazing experience possible. Then we went home.

Just because the camp was done doesn’t mean I was, The Zone Leaders had to give a talk the next Sunday. I had been pondering what I wanted to say the entire camp, I listened to all the amazing things that were said by the other zone leaders and by Bro. Culliard at our various zone leader meetings during camp. I decided that I was going to merrily share stories from helaman’z camp and call that good enough. Sunday morning I went to  Missionary prep and decided that was’nt what I should speak about so I changed my talk completely and went on a whim and without a written paper to refer to. Instead I shared my favorite scripture and hymn, hymn 29, and Moroni 10:32-33. I gave a very good talk and I know the spirit was there. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Helaman's Camp--Friday


Friday we woke up really early for a morning side in which one of the leaders dressed up like Joseph smith, preached to us as if he were him, and then we sang “praise to the man” and walked back, It was really cool because people were quite and respectful and the spirit, an omni-presence in this camp was there.

Then we had our regular zone meetings, this time after Richard and I were done speaking we heard from my bishop, Bishop Juchae, he spoke for a while and then we moved our meeting a bit to the east and met and talked with the Stake president and the Patriarch. They spoke about learning to recognize the spirit and the process to achieve a patriarchal blessing. It was really cool to have the Stake president and the Patriarch sitting with us in lawn chairs, talking about the gospel. It was the coolest thing the whole camp, every conversation I had at camp concerned 3 main topics, the food, which Latrine is the best, and the gospel, but mostly the gospel, while eating food. Did I mention they had a constant snack bar in which we could delve at any chosen moment?

After another mission meeting and a lunch and choir, all we had left was a service project before our P-Day began. This time, I helped saw some wood for firewood, while Richard and Jared’s district helped with the sprinkler system again.  Once we were done P-Day began, they had activities from Volley Ball to poison stump competitions, it was a blast, except I noticed one missing  thing, Richard hadn’t returned from the service project yet. I looked all over for him trying to find him thinking I just hadn’t run into him yet, after asking various people who just told me to wait and he’d show up, I decided to go and try to find him, smart right? Correct! He was still trying to fix the sprinklers, the problem had turned out bigger than they had first thought and they needed some help. By the time we had given up (notice I said ‘given up’ and not ‘finished’) P-Day was basically over, so after chatting for a bit in the shade we got our shirts and ties back on for the next meeting.

After this meeting we had another zone meeting in which we had prepared a lesson on the restoration to share. Richard drew an abbreviated timeline from Christ’s death to Joseph Smith, and I took it from there. Then after dinner we had a really cool meeting where 4 return missionaries and Helaman’s Camp Alumni’s had come up and had a question/answer about their missions. It was amazing the hear about the different experiences that each had even though they had all served in different parts of the world. I had written down about a dozen questions for them, but they didn’t have time to get to mine. At the end they bore their testimonies in their mission language which was really fun to hear, I only could catch words like “Jesus Christ” and “Joseph Smith”, but even without lingual comprehension I felt I understood what they were saying in part. Then we went to bed after a brief chat with them after the meeting, it was cool to talk to the speakers after they had gotten out of “I’m speaking to an audience mode”.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Helaman's Camp--Thursday

Thursday forwards a little less detail than Wednesday did, most of it was meetings and I can’t recall which meeting happened when. We woke up at 6:10, it really bugged me that they could just round to the much more even number of 6:00, really, ten more minutes wouldn’t make that much of a difference and it looks so much more nicer my way, but hey, whatever. We started the day with companionship study and personal study time. As a companionship we would kneel and pray to be guided in our scripture study for the next two hours. It was awesome. Richard and I found many great scriptures that we shared with one another, it was sweet. I read a bit in Isaiah, and he transferred his markings from an old set of scriptures to a new one.

After study time we went to breakfast, but before every meal we always had a fifteen minute choir practice in which the tenors, baritones, and basses would compete to see who could go to dinner first. Bro. Jones who was leading the choir was a tenor so he was always partial to the tenors, and most of the basses would always cheat and leave for dinner regardless, while the baritones were always honest and only left when excused. I was a baritone. The food was awesome, did I already mention that? Oh, and they somehow managed to perfect the art of powdered juice mixing. Because throughout the camp there was always some kind of juice for us to eat that was perfectly mixed and tasted divine.

After breakfast was our first zone and mission meeting. At the zone meeting Richard and I taught the lesson after our district leaders had given a 5 minute thought. We taught the plan of salvation through a Socratic method of question prompts. It worked well, and after we had gotten through the doctrine involved we both shared our testimonies, the spirit was defiantly there by the end of the lesson, it was just a pity that half of our zone had drifted off to a state of distraction and wasn’t paying much attention to it. Then one of the bishops took a turn to speak, it’s always cool to hear a bishop speak, plus he was a little better at keeping everyone focused on his lesson, but only a little. If the boy’s didn’t want to listen, they weren’t going to listen.

We then had a little object lesson about carrying the weight of sins with us in which a leader lead each zone on a winding path, pausing at key points to hand out papers that gave us instructions based on a predescribed scenario. Some people had to pick up large rocks some small, some meant to pick up a small rock, but then found out it was bigger than they had thought.  Eventually when everyone was carrying at least five pounds of rocks we came to a place where a bishop would speak to us about repentence and what we could learn from carry the rocks along the path. Then we did the same thing, only we picked up smaller rocks and had a similar discussion before we could put them down. Then we went up to the top of a hill, where a ramiumptum had been ram-shakily put together, and talked about all the different ways we could relate this too our lives. It was pretty cool.

Lunch and choir was amazing as it always was with hamburgers and hot dogs by the bucket load. Then we had a service project. Each zone was assigned two projects, Richard took one district and went to fix a sprinkler pipe, and I took the other to mow down the weeds and sage brush that was choking the “parking lot” (a semi-less weedy area of dirt where the leaders had decided to park their cars) needless to say we broke 3 shovels trying to pry up sage brush until someone found a rusty dull hatchet that I was able to successfully use to but a hole in my pinky and chop a few bushes, then we got a chain that we hooked up to a car and made short work of the rest.

After that we put our Sunday cloths back on and went to another zone meeting where the DL’s taught a lesson before another bishop took over, and then another mission meeting before dinner.
Dinner was the best EvEr!! Smoked briquette that had been cooking since Sunday, it was Celestial! Then we had another mission meeting, split into two sections because it was so long, and here is where the trouble starts again. 3 of our zone members decided that they didn’t want to listen to the second half of the mission meeting,

Once Richard and I found out that they were missing we contacted the Area presidents and the other zone leaders to try and find them, we figured that they might be in a different tent just hiding from us, we’d had other delinquent behavior of the sort previously in the day. We spent a good hour of our sleep time looking for them before we found two of them. For some stupid reason they had thought to go “cow tipping”, we had been on top of the highest hill around just 8 hours ago for the repentance object lesson, it had been clear then that there wasn’t anything around us for miles, and yet they decided to go cow tipping, needless to say they got a heavy reprimand of sorts. We finally decided to go to bed; Richard was feeling rather downhearted because he took responsibility for their actions as his own because he was their leader, yet again something I admire him for, and we woke up to find the third young man had somehow entered our tent without waking us up. This ends the 2nd day at Helaman’s Camp.

Helaman's Camp--Wednesday


Last week I went to Helaman’s Camp, it was awesome. The food was great and the company was even better. We started at 7:00am so that we could be up there in time to get the camp set up for the District Leaders and Companions to arrive. It was about an hour and a half drive past Strawberry Reservoir, and we arrived with plenty of time to spare getting everything ready. The first thing we did was set up our “Chapel”. It was the place where all our mission meetings would be held and it would provide shelter from the sun and wind. Basically, a huge tarp canopy large enough  to squeeze 150 people inside, plus a sound system, podium, and piano. Yes, we did have electricity up in the middle of nowhere somehow, would have hated that installation job…. The next thing we did was name to port-o-potties. I don’t know why we did this, but for some reason we came up for clever names for each of the ten potties. With names ranging from Jackie Chan to Obi-Won, for the rest of camp we always joked about which potty was the smelliest or most user friendly. Obi-Won was by far my favorite, although there was the constant fear of being tipped over because it was at the end of the row. Because the trailer with all the tents in them achieved a flat on the way up, we had to wait for them to arrive before we could start setting up our Zone’s tents and living area. Once the tents did arrive Richard Bruner and I were lucky enough to get the newest tents and the oldest canopy. Needless to say, the canopy was broken. So we got the biggest canopy as well, which ironically enough, we never ended up using because of the freak weather conditions and the pain it was to set it up, we ended up taking it down and not re-setting it back up again until almost the end of the camp. 

After that we had dinner, it was the most amazing dinner on the face of the planet, imagine, 100 steaks, averaging about the size of your dinner plate, to be shared by 16 teenagers, now imagine there not being any left-over’s, that was what our dinner was like, it was divine!  Then Richard and I got personal study time until out zone members arrived. Personally I almost fell asleep multiple times, but Richard had given me a challenge to find all 6 of the times in the Book of Mormon in which it says “remember remember”, it was a hard challenge, and I still have only found  5 of them.  Once the zone members arrived, all chaos broke loose, we were given a list of names and told to find people who we had never seen before in our life, imagine hard. This is probably the only part of camp that could have been done better, the confusion of getting everyone to find the correct zones. Finally, once we had everyone situated in the correct tents it was time for the first mission meeting. The entire day had been overcast with sporadic rain fall and blustery winds, and this caused the walls of the chapel to snap almost making it hard to hear the speaker.

 The most memorable talk was given by President Scoresby he spoke on how to become like Christ, which was the main focus of the whole camp. It set the tone for the rest of the camp and we felt the spirit for the rest of the next 4 days. This meeting is also where the trouble began, a member of our zone wasn’t quite as diligent to listen to the lesson as would be expected at a camp like this one. Richard, being the strong, militaristic leader that he is, noticed him dumping Pringles chips on the ground in our chapel among other atrocities. Our leadership styles sort of clashed a bit on this matter when after the meeting he took the young man aside and proceeded to reprimand him rather heavily for his behavior. I understood his motives for such a strong reprimand, and I felt they were just, but I also understood that the young man probably didn’t get the same picture. For the rest of the week there was tension between the two men, one trying to practice leadership, while the other tried to deny it. And I got to see just how great a leader Richard is because I watched him willingly humble himself and apologize multiple times when he’d rather explode and punch the kid, and that is a quality of a great leader. 

After the meeting it was time for bed, everyone went to bed rather well except for Jared’s tent, he kept them up late showing them the fine art of blue dart’s. Finally, I got out of my tent and politely asked them to “knock it off”, actually, that’s what I wanted to say, what I actually said was: “I know your having a lot of fun, but there are others in the camp trying to sleep and your making a lot of noise, do you think you could be a bit quieter?” I got back in my sleeping bag and within 30 minutes everyone was asleep, even me. The first day was done.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rain, Rain, go away, come again on a non-working day!

Today was a very fun day. I woke up early to go to the temple with Richard Bruner and Bruce Peck. because the road to the Draper temple led over a huge hill and because of the heavy rain we had gotten the day before, we got to drive through a cloud. It was awesome. after the temple I changed out of my sunday cloths and spent time with my brother until Joe called me to work around 3:00, almost immediately after we started working it started to rain, a lot. undeterred, we decided to work through the storm and hope that it cleared up later. The rain left just as quickly as it had come and the rest of the day was amazing weather. We got most of our fence completed before Joe had to leave to see a play with his family. he sent me and scott to mow two lawns before we were able to go home. Scott ran out of gasoline for the trimmer before we could finish so I was left mowing the lawns by myself. I finished at 9:30, all in all, a good days work. thank you weather for cooperating.

Smile All-Ways!